
Wine has been touted for its health benefits. But, for one English teen, just the smell of wine causes an embarrassing allergic reaction, the Telegraph reports.

Leah Miller, a 19-year-old college student from Purbrook, England, said she used to enjoy a glass of wine and suffered no ill effects other than a little light-headedness.

But Miller started developing pain when drinking wine and more recently just the smell of it sends her into uncontrollable sneezing fits.

"I would get terrible back cramps but then one day the sneezing started and it just has not stopped," she told the Telegraph.

The odd allergy has stumped the UK Allergy Foundation, which says migraines and breathing difficulties are among the most common symptoms of wine allergies.

"Nobody knows the problems I have got and everyone finds it highly amusing when they set me off," Miller added.

Click here for more on this story from the Telegraph.