
This is a rush transcript from "America's Election HQ," June 4, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MEGYN KELLY, CO-HOST: More than 30 percent of Hillary Clinton's supporters in Montana and South Dakota last night said they would not vote for Obama in November, they either go McCain or stay home. Many women, in particular, are upset, suggesting that sexism sunk Clinton's campaign and Obama let it happen. So, what is he to do about it?

FOX News political analyst, Kirsten Powers, wrote a column about it in today's New York Post, she joins us now.

Hi, Kirsten.

Video: Watch Megyn Kelly's interview


KELLY: All right. So, this has been a theory, this is not the first we heard of this theory, but now, the question is — will it be held against him and what, if anything, can he do about it?

POWERS: Yes. What's interesting when you talk to Hillary Clinton supporters, there is a sexism aspect but they also feel that he benefited from it and that didn't say anything about it. He's a liberal man and he gave a speech on race but there's nothing has been said about this. And I think, frankly, their anger is maybe a little misdirected. I think it should be directed at the media. I don't know how much Obama is responsible for this.

But, you know, it doesn't really matter f there is a perception that he's responsible or perception that he has benefited from it, then I think it would be in his interest to say something about it and he could give a speech or he could just look for an opportunity when it happens again, and it will, you know, to come out and say, this isn't OK.

KELLY: And I think we have a couple of examples of said offenses.

Take listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She thinks her problem is she's a woman, her problem is she's Hillary Clinton, and some women, by the way are named that and it's accurate.

RUSH LIMBAUGH, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: So the question is this — will this country want to actually watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you think they're saying about Hillary?

TUCKER CARLSON, REPORTER: I don't know, but that is so perfect. I have often said when she comes on television, I involuntarily cross my legs.


KELLY: By the way, that first example was somebody had referred to her as the "B" word. And that seemed to go over fine with that panel. But that was all media. That's not Barack Obama.

POWERS: Oh, yes. And the truth of the matter is that, you know, I could sit here and list another 10 things. I mean, it's been so rampant and it's incredible that really nobody said anything. And Howard Dean finally came out on Sunday and said something about it on ABC's "This Week" and, I guess, on Saturday night, he said it at a dinner.

But, you know, where they've been? And I think a lot of Democratic women feel that this is the Democratic Party and we're supposed to be progressive and we're supposed to be standing up against these things.

KELLY: How much do you think they're holding against Barack Obama, comments like the "sweetie" comment, you know, sort of they think that you can look for evidence and they find some of it?

POWERS: Yes. I hear — every time I talk to a Hillary Clinton supporter, I hear that. And like I said, I don't think, and I want to set for the record, I don't think she lost because of sexism, but there is a real perception he benefited from it and he probably did benefit in some ways in the same way she benefited from people who are racist.


POWERS: Yes. I think that he should look for an opportunity when it happens again, and it will, especially as people get more and more angry of Hillary for not dropping out, and he should come and just say - look, we're the Democratic Party, this is not what we stand for. We don't, you know, this has been going on in the campaign and I've watched it and I think it's not OK, and I really condemn it.

KELLY: Can she fix that for him?

POWERS: Fix what?

KELLY: This problem.

POWERS: Well, I think, she could - sure. Hillary could fix all these problems if she wanted to. If Hillary last night had endorsed him, and embraced him and said to her supporters - you know, let's all rally around him.

But I think that would get most of them. I think you're still going to have the certain percentage of people that are just really angry at Barack Obama and want him to talk to them and a lot of them say — tell me why to vote for you because I don't think you're the most experienced person. I think Hillary is the experienced one.

KELLY: Like that woman Harriet (ph) from New York who sounded like (inaudible), I mean, she's not going to vote for Barack Obama.

POWERS: I don't think so.

KELLY: All right. Kirsten Powers, thank you so much.


KELLY: Harriet is still talking out there and you give her a camera, well, she's not too far from that.


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