
If you are hesitating about buying a pet for your children because of their pesky allergies, think again.

Scientists have discovered that having a dog may boost a child’s immune system to protect against asthma and other allergies; it is being reported by South Africa’s Health24.com.

Joachim Heinrich of the Institute of Empidemiolgoy at the Heimholtz Centre in Munich, Germany, led the study of 3,000 children. The children’s health was monitored from birth to six-years-old.

Blood test revealed that children who live with dogs had a lower risk of becoming sensitized to pollens and other inhaled allergens, which triggers asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema, according to Health4.com.

Heinrich said that early exposure to dogs stimulates the immune system, as opposed to children who were suddenly introduced to house mites and pollen.

The study was published in the European Respiratory Journal.

Click here to read the study.

Click here to read the full story at Health24.com.