
I have nothing against your boy wanting to be a girl. Or your girl, wanting to be a boy.

I trust we can be tolerant. But I also trust we can avoid being crazy.

Tolerant accepts diversity.

Crazy pays through the nose to make sure we are.

Tolerant realizes we are all God's children.

Crazy refuses to see that healthy, normal kids are God's children too.

Tolerant means we reach out to those who don't conform.

Crazy means reaching out so much that we punish those who do conform.

Tolerant means recognizing those who are obviously different.

Crazy means overcompensating by refusing to consider the feelings of those who are obviously not.

I am against being cruel to anyone.

But in bending over backwards to make damn sure kids aren't, don't we risk being cruel to everyone.

There is no place in our schools or societies for hate.

But I don't care if you're building a wall or building unisex bathrooms, barriers are barriers. And that is hateful.

One child's discomfort should not be all children's adjustment.

You know, we dump a lot on our kids when they're still kids.

For once, for God's sake, can't we just let them be kids?

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