
This year, it's all about nuts.

Not about candidates for president. Or the guy who is president.

Not about tax policies. Or housing policies. Or any policies.

If you want to know what will set the tone for the year, my prediction? Those who want to terrorize this year.

Don't believe me?

Then believe Nigeria, where violent militants attacked two police stations, and took out more than a dozen people.

And believe Algeria, where similar extremists took out a police station in a suicide blast, and promised to do more of the same.

The incidental fact that both these countries are OPEC members had oil prices climbing over a hundred bucks a barrel.

Just like the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan last week cost our DOW more than 200 points.

Because senseless violence makes sensible men sense all is not right with the world.

And they get scared. And the more violence they see, the more scared they get. And the more desperate they become.

Selling stocks like it's nobody's business. Buying up oil because they're convinced there will be no business.

It isn't rational. It just is.

And those who are irrational know it.

So they kill, and maim, terrorize, and taunt.

Not just in one country, but in lots of countries.

Leaving some to sensibly wonder whether this senselessness will come to their country.

It will. Rattling our numbers, because they have our number. And they know it.

My only question? Do we?

Watch Neil Cavuto weekdays at 4 p.m. ET on "Your World with Cavuto" and send your comments to cavuto@foxnews.com