
This Thanksgiving week, you wouldn't think he had a lot for which to be thankful. His health's a mess. His progressive form of the neurological disease multiple sclerosis is progressing far faster than his doctors thought.

He's lost use of his legs. He's lost most use of his hands. And now, he's lost his job.

An accountant at a top firm, he simply couldn't concentrate like he used to. He left before being asked to leave. He got a small severance package.

Not great, but as he tells me, "who needs great when you have a body that can't do great?"

I could tell you about the fiancé who left him when she heard about his diagnosis. Or the friends at work who avoided him, feeling too awkward to know what to do with him. I could tell you all that and you'd assume he's all doom-and-gloom.

He's not. He's remarkably upbeat, in fact.

Looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with his sister and her kids. And relishing a unique family ritual this time of year of looking through Christmas catalogues.

Apparently everyone, including the kids, go through catalogues... tons and tons of catalogues... and look for ideal presents.

"Yeah, it's a little nerdy," he tells me, "but it's become a family tradition."

As have long conversations, and long nights having those long conversations.

Everyone talks. Everyone laughs. Everyone, led by my friend, enjoying the moment. And thankful for that moment.

Seeing nothing else.

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