
Parents beware: the pedophiles will be out in full force on Wednesday, while your kids are out trick-or-treating in their Halloween costumes.

And little do you know that you might be helping child predators live out their fantasies by allowing your kids to wear inappropriate costumes?

In a simple Web search for "preteen" costumes — for ages 7 through 12 — I found several costumes that would make many a pervert's day.

For instance, I saw one called "Mega Star," which might as well be called "Britney in 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' Video Costume." In other words, NO.

Of course, if that's not colorful enough for your 8-year-old, you can always shell out for the "Leopard Rock Star," which — with its midriff-baring top — is sure to get the blood boiling for pedophiles everywhere.

At PartyCity.com, by first clicking Halloween and then girls, you'll be treated to pics of prepubescent girls who make even the most ridiculous JonBenet Ramsey beauty pageant photos look tame in comparison. "Winners" include the "Bad Spirit" cheerleader's costume.

More and more Halloween costumes for young girls have become so inappropriate that even the most jaded parents are turning to Disney characters by the droves, just so their daughters don't look like hookers on Wednesday.

To paraphrase Tina Fey, who wrote the film "Mean Girls," "Halloween is the one day of the year when girls can dress like sluts and nobody can talk about them." The scene then goes on to feature a teenage girl wearing lingerie and stating when asked what she's supposed to be, "I'm a bunny."

Look, when it comes to adults, I'm all for it, as you can see from this piece I did with FOX News entertainment correspondent Jill Dobson over the weekend.

Hey, mom and dad ... when your daughters become adults, they can dress as naughty as they'd like. But what's the rush? Why say yes all the time? When did our children's innocence get so lost?

Sure, we can blame the Britney revolution or the Paris era, but we all know what happened to those two. Britney lost her kids and Paris went to jail. No, it's not enough to blame celebrities and the media that cover them.

It's time to blame the parents.

Moms and dads, put your foot down and say no to the whining tween who wants to dress like a scantily clad woman and trick-or-treat looking like a prostitot, or head to the local party where Joe Jock's parents are out of town looking like Julia Roberts in the opening scene of "Pretty Woman."

It's a recipe for trouble. You can't always be your children's friend. Here's an idea: for Halloween this year, try dressing yourself up as your kids' parents. That might be the best treat they'll get this year.

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