
Here are some of your responses to last week's column...

BJ writes: Why do people have a need to know every little detail of celebrities' lives? Do we really need to know that Christian Bale likes to munch fried bugs??? To know that his "favorite" is live maggots? I could have certainly done without that conversation at lunch — and my co-workers apparent surprise because I hadn't heard about it yet. I can only hope he was joking about the maggots.

— BJ, Bale does indeed eat bugs, but he did it for a movie called "Rescue Dawn," in which he plays a P.O.W. Did you think Sir Anthony Hopkins really likes to eat people after watching "Silence of the Lambs?"

Daniel P. writes: To MEP in VA who complained on the last response to GRRRs about using "holy hell." Not bashing you here, but a little education lesson. Holy means "separate." Usually used in connected to being separated for a special purpose. If you look in the book of Isaiah (in the Bible), the word holy is used in the connection with prostitutes ... and the word holy even is derived from a Hebrew word used in connection to prostitution. I can reference the actual details for anyone if they so ask. Anyway, if one thinks contextually, hell is what? An eternal SEPARATION from God and His glory. So, using holy and hell together is not a contradiction in terms, but really is acceptable if one truly thinks about the meaning of both words.

Kathy in Naples, Fla.: I happened to secure four tickets to take my 10-year old daughter and friends to a HM concert, but it wasn’t easy, required good timing, careful planning and a VIP Fan Club Membership (only $29.95). Add to that the TicketMaster “convenience fees” of roughly $14 PER TICKET and you have a huge rip-off even without the brokers. It’s the ugly side of free enterprise. I think Miley Cyrus is a solid role model for my daughter and my daughter is a good kid, so I bit the bullet just this once. I did feel for the little girls who logged on when the tickets officially went on sale to the public only to find out that they had already been sold out for days. They never had a chance.

Tim A. writes: Hey man! Your Grrrr commentary was awesome! Right on target! It drives me nuts that if you are famous in this country that there seems to be absolutely no consequence for bad behavior. I happen to believe that everything eventually comes full circle, and although celebrities may not be held accountable right away, I think it catches up to them in the end. It also relieves me that in most cases notoriety is fleeting and that in itself is what most celebrities fear the most. In 50 years will we really care who Kevin Federline was?

Melissa in Texarkana, Texas, writes: I am OUTRAGED with this whole deal! I have a 7-year-old who was so excited to see Hannah Montana. And honestly, I was too! I spent over an hour online typing in the little code probably 200 times (to prove I was human), had two cell phones redialing when I wasn’t typing, all with no success of getting two tickets. I had to break my daughter's heart and tell her she can’t go! SCALPERS: BEWARE!!!!!! There is nothing worse than a scorned mama.

— Melissa, be careful whom you tell to "beware," the Zero Tolerance police might be looking for you.

Allyson in Wyoming writes: I was so pleased to read your article about the Hannah Montana tickets! I would like to take my two girls to the concert in Salt Lake City and to get four tickets for our family would be $500! That is ridiculous!!! Anyway, kudos to you for making people aware!!!!!!

Dollar Bill writes: Across the country brokers purchased no more than 10 percent of the venue and in most cases less than 5 percent of the venue. The problem with the exorbitant prices comes in when Hannah Montana schedules only one show in each city without the ability to schedule additional shows there to relieve demand by increasing supply. The exorbitant prices, which I agree are ridiculous, are also caused by parents' inability to tell their children NO. The prices wouldn't be that high if demand wasn't driving.

Lisa in Murfreesboro, Tenn., writes: I think the bigger GRRRRRR should go to the obliviot parents who actually buy these brokered tickets. If ticket brokers had no market, they would quickly get out of the business. It’s parents who would rather purchase a few minutes of their children’s love than invest time and attention in really loving their kids who are the bigger problem.

Amber L. writes: MY GOD ... thank you for speaking the truth!!!! I am one of those sad parents that has tried several times to buy tix with no luck!!! What a joke ... the G-rated crowd gets ripped on for wanting good solid shows from every media outlet, however, those so-called brokers sure know what sells. Good old family fun!

Tom W. writes: Mike, Mike, Mike, you got it all wrong with Hannah Montana. Five to 10 years from now, those girls who wanted to pay $26 to see her will be happy they didn't spend their money that way ... trust me on this one, those brokers are only getting the even more stupid rich girls to dish out 10 times the face value. No one else would be that dumb, ha ha.

Steve writes: Just wanted to say that your article is right on the money about the brokers killing this for the kids. I have two daughters who would love to see the show. Though I can afford to buy the tickets at the increased price, I would never put money in the brokers' pockets. So I have explained to my kids why they are not going to the concert. They are disappointed but their anger is at the people who try to take advantage of us. Pretty good for two girls who are 9 and 7. The good thing about it is that none of the other parents have bought any of the tickets either. Let those brokers eat the tickets.

John O. writes: ANY parent who takes their whole family out to this show (??) to see a make-believe lip-synching person deserves what they get. Mike, I am more [angry] at idiots who can't tell little Bobby or Susie … NO!!! I grew up and asked "Hey can I get … fill in the blank … NO!!" [This] made me appreciate things more than these little monsters.

Sgt. Tom writes: In response to A frustrated military man: Whatever — get over it. I am tired of the “support the troops” FROM the military. You lost your deodorant and toothbrush like an average American. I am getting tired of the charity from the public because of people like you who throw a pity-party when something goes wrong. Guess what — you are an average American like everyone else. I bet you’re the guy that hands the cop your military ID when you get pulled over in a pathetic attempt to get out of a ticket. You voluntarily joined the Air Force, and you can decide to leave your imaginary diplomatic immunities behind and depart if you choose. I use my military ID for DoD computers, entering U.S. bases etc. If I am at an airport, I am an American like everyone else. When I purchase a cold beer, I show my license. I am proud of myself for serving this nation and I don’t need tangible gestures for reinforcement from anyone. Just let me be so I can do my job and earn my paycheck like every other American in this country. You don’t see WWII and Vietnam vets crying about deodorant and airport screenings. Semper Fi.

Richard G. writes: Nice job identifying the latest in lame sportscasting trends. Even more annoying than the Costas — Collinsworth act is the Keith Olbermann “Worst Person in the NFL” segment. My Grrr, however, is for sportscasters and sports journalists who are constantly seeing the world through their own political prism. Tony Kornheiser instantly comes to mind. His prattle over the social justice aspect regarding the head coaches of last year’s Super Bowl teams was nauseating. Sure it’s worth mentioning that the match-up of teams coached by African-Americans was an historic event. But to hear Tony tell it, the entire nation is still in the midst of the civil rights struggle of the 1960s. I happened to see a match-up of well-disciplined teams coached by two highly competent and motivated people. Their race never entered my mind. Mr. Kornheiser seemed obsessed with their race. Somebody please tell Tony that the 1960s are over and that the good guys won. Oh, and don’t forget to root for the New Orleans Saints. Did anyone hear the news? Their city, built below sea level, was flooded — amazing. I’m sure Tony will be reminding us until 2060 that rooting for a bunch of multimillionaire football players will somehow bring social justice to the city of New Orleans.

Greg writes: It used to be you stayed at home to watch the game so you could watch the replays. Now, you're better off if you're at the game, because they at least try to show the replay on the "Jumbotron." What happened to the replays? And what's up with the "standard" football camera angles? They zoom in on the quarterback or some other player and you get the full helmet shot as they walk to the line, then just before the snap, we get a wide angle just in time to see the formation. We get 4-5 secs of the wide angle and then ZOOM we're watching through the ear hole of the helmet of the defensive guy who made the tackle, then we bounce to the visiting coach, then to the other coach, then to the ear hole of the quarterback to repeat this cycle. I contend the telephoto "zoom" lens should be shoved where the producer sits. Does the producer really have to justify every camera by flashing them whether they "caught" the play or not? It's sad the way sports are produced today!!! One day, I'll get to control the view and the voice, right now the audio is generally on mute! Tired of hearing all the "me me me" junk that comes out of their mouths. What ever happened to the play-by-play (the Jack Bucks)? Now it's some second-guesser with the advantage of hindsight, "I don't know why he called that run on third down..." or "when I was a superstar we would of blah blah blah."

Speaking of football, check out my Video: Football Picks package and e-mail me your critique.

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