
Acupuncture, once thought to help women receiving in-vitro fertilization conceive, may actually have the opposite effect, according to new research.

Researchers at the University of Oklahoma studied more than 97 patients who were getting in-vitro fertilization.

One group received acupuncture 25 minutes before and after the embryo was transferred from the test tube to the womb. The pregnancy rate of the group that did not receive acupuncture was 69.9 percent, while 43.8 percent of women in the group that did get acupuncture treatment did not conceive.

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"The results of our study suggest women having fertility treatment should not be advised to have acupuncture," said researcher Dr. LaTasha Craig. "This contradicts the findings of previous studies. I think more research needs to be done.”

Craig added that the stress of undergoing acupuncture prior to IVF may also have an effect on conception.