
This is a rush transcript from "The Big Story With John Gibson," September 6, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JOHN GIBSON, "BIG STORY" HOST: A shocking find on the World Wide Web tonight. A site hosted by a server in the United States is teaching users how to kill Americans. The dotcom is based out of a state heavily populated with Muslims, Minnesota, and on it people chat about and post diagrams showing the best way to attack U.S. military bases.

This discovery comes just days after Germany says it foiled a major plot to blow up our air base in Ramstein, Germany, just days before the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. "Big Story" correspondent Douglas Kennedy has more on this disturbing terror Web site.

DOUGLAS KENNEDY, "BIG STORY" CORRESPONDENT: Yes, John, experts say this Web site had one goal: to train terrorists to attack Americans. They say it operated for months on that Internet server based in Minnesota.


KENNEDY (VOICE-OVER): Log on to Ekhlaas.cc today and you get a message that the site has been taken down. But if you had logged on yesterday, you would have seen this diagram and a discussion on how to attack U.S. military bases on U.S. soil, so says Yigal Carmon.

YIGAL CARMON, MIDDLE EAST MEDIA RESEARCH INSTITUTE: They mentioned the ways to attack it and where to put explosives and of course to set up the target to what specific building in the base is targeted.

KENNEDY: Carmon is president of MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, a group that monitors terrorist Web sites. He says Ekhlaas, which was hosted by an Internet company in Rochester, Minnesota, and registered to an address in Van Nuys, California, was one of the most active groups on the Web trying to recruit terrorists in the U.S.

CARMON: One of the most dangerous Web sites are the type of training, how to detonate explosives, how to attack, how to kidnap Americans.

KENNEDY: He says yesterday's discussion included instructions on how to attack military bases located both in the mountains and the desert, like Fort Irwin in California: "We must identify the exact target we want to hit once we penetrate the perimeter fences. We must also determine whether the goal is to capture a high-rank commander, free prisoners, capture ammunition or seize vehicles."

According to MEMRI, the discussion coincided with terrorist plans to blow up America's Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. That plot was exposed yesterday and German police have made three arrests. Still, Carmon warns just because the Web site is down today doesn't mean Ekhlaas is gone from the Internet.

CARMON: The Internet is the source of homegrown terrorism. How is this so? Because it provides training and that is why it is dangerous.


KENNEDY: But while the Internet is clearly a tool for terrorists, it can also be a tool for law enforcement. Terror experts tell me the FBI is well aware of Ekhlaas and monitors all their activity on the World Wide Web. So, John, their Internet recruiting may in fact prove their undoing.

GIBSON: Douglas Kennedy, thanks very much.

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