
Twice the insight and opinion: Click here to listen live to "Brian and the Judge" on FOX News Radio (weekdays, 9 a.m.-Noon ET).

Great to see Newt Gingrich in person today, and he seems to be a man who is set to run for the top spot in September. Think about it: Why should Newt shut down his stint at FOX and his free guest slots everywhere as an expert or insider just to join a 10-man race and pay for his media he already gets for free!! I think Fred Thompson has the same issue to deal with, which is why he's laying out. If it's true that "Law & Order" has to be yanked off syndication if he runs, he has to feel like he's taking money out of the pockets of his cast mates and the producers that hired him. That likely plays into why he is waiting so long. Just a theory to ponder that I wanted your take on.

The most intriguing guest for me was Vincent Bugliosi. He claims his book proves once and for all that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. The book probably weighs 12 pounds and what Vincent told me after just blew me away. He said if Marina Oswald let him come home the night before the assassination he never would have been in that building with his rifle.

The story that moved during our show was the massive search for the three missing soldiers taken alive over the weekend. We learned that 11 people have been detained because of their links to the killings and the capture, and that all three men were from Fort Drum in New York.

Can't wait for the GOP presidential debate tonight. And look for us to have the best recaps and post-game analysis anywhere in the nation. Be sure to watch beginning at 6 a.m. ET.

This week my book tour spins out to Birmingham, Alabama: Thursday at Books-a-Million and Friday at 2 p.m. local time at the Ross Bridge Pro-Am Golf Classic. Also going to Maxwell in Montgomery, Alabama, to do Friday's "FOX & Friends."

If you'd like to get my book "It's How You Play the Game," a book that will teach your kid lasting values and parents and coaches perspective with sports, go to www.briankilmeade.com to order it and I'll personalize it for you. It makes a great birthday, Father's Day or graduation gift.


Keep watching "FOX & Friends" and listen to "Brian and the Judge" on FOX News Radio, daily from 9 a.m.-Noon ET.

Start your weekdays with "FOX & Friends" at 7 a.m. ET and send your comments to: insider@foxnews.com