
How can anybody stoop so low?

That's what Cape Cod residents are saying after a memorial plaque for a Sept. 11 victim was stolen from Nobska Light on the Massachusetts coast, the Cape Cod Times reported.

Police said the bronze marker was reported stolen April 22. It was installed on the coast in 2002 as a memorial to Neilie Casey, a young mother killed aboard American Airlines Flight 11 when hijackers crashed it into the World Trade Center.

"It's far more than just a personal and family memorial," Kent Kannenberg of Cummaquid, told the Times. "It's mourning a national tragedy and it's symbolic of that, and these creeps desecrated that."

Kannenberg, who is married to Casey's mother, Anne Heffernan, believes the marker may have been stolen by thieves hoping to resell it as scrap.

"I know how important the Nobska Light location is to the Heffernans and Caseys, and I'm deeply saddened that this fitting memorial to her was taken," said Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., who helped to secure a spot for the memorial. "I'm hopeful that whoever is responsible realizes the deep impact this thoughtless act has on Neilie's family and returns it."

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