
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," April 30, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Joining us in New York is John Q. Kelly, the lawyer for Natalee [Holloway's] parents.

John, I've always found it very, I don't know, curious that Deepak and Satish — that their homes did not seem to be extensively investigated or searched.

Any thoughts about it?

JOHN Q. KELLY, ATTORNEY FOR NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S PARENTS: Well, I think the reason they went to the Van der Sloots' residence first is there — in some the statements, there was an indication that they had clearly stopped by there and Natalee had been at that premises. There was no indication they'd ever been by Kalpoes. But certainly, it should be searched, if not that she was present there, that there might be other incriminating evidence, forensic evidence. Clothing might have been buried there somewhere, maybe even Joran's shoes. So they certainly should execute a search warrant, or should have a year-and-a-half, two years ago, on that residence also, as well as forensically check the car.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are you satisfied that Deepak and Satish — I'll take them first — have answered every question?

KELLY: They've answered every question. Their answers have varied greatly, depending on the time they've been questioned. I think the issue of fabrication and the inconsistencies of their statements is one of the reasons they're still the primary suspects, along with Joran.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now about — I was just going to ask you now about Joran van der Sloot.

KELLY: Sure.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you remain suspicious of Joran van der Sloot?

KELLY: Well, you have to, Greta. These three individuals, by their own admissions, were the last three with her when she was alive. She was very intoxicated at that time, by all accounts, and they all clearly fabricated stories as to what happened to her in their last contact with her afterwards. There's no reason not to be very suspicious of them right now and them be the main suspects.

VAN SUSTEREN: I guess, John, I mean, I remain suspicious of them because they were the last ones to see her. I remain highly suspicious of Deepak and Satish, moreso than Joran. I've spent a lot of time talking to Joran. And I remain suspicious of the police investigation that failed to investigate all the people who were on the beach that night. You've been to that beach. You know how dark it is. You know how people hang out on that beach. And it's not exactly a place even you want to be there alone yourself. So I guess I'm so profoundly disappointed with the entire investigation.

KELLY: Well, I think you're right, Greta. There was also a large concert on the beach that night. There's a dock there and a lot of boats that pull in right there. So certainly, that has to be looked at also. This isn't a witch hunt and you don't want to see anything excluded at this point.

The other thing is, it's my understanding there's a team of 24 detectives working on this case, and I hope that they're not just going to retread the same ground that should have been looked at earlier, meaning, you know, the car, the houses, the area by the fisherman's hut, that they'll do what you've been suggesting, they get out there and they interview a lot more people, anybody who could have possibly seen or heard anything or might have, you know, secondhand evidence, hearsay, might have picked something up in any way. All these people with the number of hands on deck now should be out there interviewing everybody on the island, if possible.

VAN SUSTEREN: Not that this is necessarily, you know, a tell-tale sign, but do you know if Satish, Deepak and Joran are willing to talk to police further, if questioned, or whether they have to be brought in under some sort of, you know, duress, like a subpoena or be picked up or something? Are they willing to talk?

KELLY: No. It's my understanding — I know Joran clearly stated on your show during your interview, he would not cooperate any further with law enforcement. And I know the Kalpoes, if not through them, by their attorneys, they are not going to cooperate any further. Also, they'd have to be, you know, given a reason, whether it be subpoena or be put under oath by the local judge down there or something, to answer questions at this time. They are not cooperating, which is, you know, rather suggestive and suspicious also.

VAN SUSTEREN: I don't mean to be hung up on, like, the — I think the police sometimes get hung up on a theory, and I don't mean to get hung up on a theory likewise in a different direction. But we heard that there was a man on the beach who was related to someone who was in the police department, high up and involved in this investigation...

KELLY: Sure.

VAN SUSTEREN: ... who himself had a criminal record and hung out on the beach and sold drugs, even there that night that Natalee disappeared. Did you hear that?

KELLY: Of course, I did. You know, I've heard that and other people that, you know, were If not present on the beach that specific time that night, that that couldn't be nailed down, that there were a lot of people who on a regular basis spent time those hours of the night in that vicinity that certainly should be questioned. And there's no reason, with the number of people, you know, supposedly working on this case, that they can't get out there and question anybody who — you know, regardless of how remote or what a long shot it might be, that might have some information on this case.

VAN SUSTEREN: I guess — I mean, when the police did investigate some of the people, they actually wrote it down on police forms. You find them on witness statements.

KELLY: Sure.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you — I can't remember the man's name. I know his nickname. But do you remember ever seeing this particular man's name in any police report, as though the police had even bothered to talk to this particular person? And he was a curious person, to put it politely.

KELLY: Curious. You're trying so hard to get that name out there, Greta. Unlike Jossy, I'm not going to be able to help you with that, with the specific name. We all know who we're talking about. But no, I have not seen any police reports or statements or anywhere it's been memorialized that they have interviewed this individual, the son of a prominent — or stepson of a prominent police official down there.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you use the "corruption" word, or is that too strong a word as to why that person, who would be an obvious person to interview, wasn't even interviewed, or at least we didn't see him in any police forms?

KELLY: Well, I wouldn't use corruption because I'm not certain he hasn't been interviewed...

VAN SUSTEREN: How about incompetence?

KELLY: I'm not sure he hasn't been interviewed. I'm certainly not satisfied, and the family, Beth and Dave, certainly aren't satisfied that this individual and a number of other individuals also who might have relevant evidence have not been, you know, interrogated, questioned at length, and it's been memorialized in reports so we know that it's done.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know — you know, John, I think Dave and Beth, and also Robin and Jug, have, you know, been enormously patient. And you know, it's absolutely disturbing to me how little this country has given them information or shown them just basic courtesies, just answering questions.

KELLY: I agree. I mean, we were given a basic heads-up the other day, the day before the search warrant was executed. But in a lot of ways, when you're just...

VAN SUSTEREN: From the Americans.

KELLY: From the Americans.

VAN SUSTEREN: Not from the Arubans, but from the Americans.

KELLY: Well, to be fair, it was an American liaison who had gotten the information from the Arubans. But you know, it's very general information. And you know, you get raised expectations, and then you see them walking away from the premises, doing what should have been done two years ago.

As far as we know, you know, it wasn't a fertile search. You know, we haven't heard anything. I'm sure we would if there was something earth- shattering that was uncovered that day, and we haven't heard that. So you get a little bit of information, it raises expectations. It thoroughly deflates them. I've spoken to both of them today, and they're, you know, upset and, you know, had — once again, they try to keep their expectations low and they try to keep them low. But when you've been missing your daughter for over two years and can't get any information, it's hard not to hope.

VAN SUSTEREN: It's hard not to hope. And they're going through — continue to go through enormous pain, and they have been a lot nicer than - - probably, you know, more gracious publicly than a lot of the rest of us might be. Anyway, John, thank you.

KELLY: Sure, Greta.

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