
Today Major Eric Egland came on my show and told us ways we can help support our troops in Iraq right from our own homes. He told us about his book, "The Troops Need You, America!" and shared some of his suggestions on how we can make a difference.

He urged us to donate to the Online Troop Registry at www.troopsneedyou.com so the troops can get the things they need to improve the quality of life for local Iraqis, which Major Egland believes will lead to increased cooperation.

He also urges us to call on the Secretary of Defense to implement a Unit Blogger Program, modeled on the war correspondents from WWII, to get authentic, visually compelling stories from our deployed troops to the national media. Major Egland feels a Hometown Hero program should complement this, focusing on local media outlets nationwide. He also feels we must contest the adversary's "Flaming Car Bomb-a-Day" campaign that dominates global media coverage of Iraq.

Major Egland tells us we should also contact battalions at bases in our home states, including active, guard and reserve, and let them know you want to help, whether with pre-deployment training or as a local media surrogates who share stories of the troops' progress when they are deployed.

For more details about Major Egland’s book, log on to my Web site: www.hillfriends.com

E.D. Hill anchors 'FOX News Live' weekdays from 11 a.m. to noon ET.