
Sen. John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, recently hinted that he should not be counted out of a possible future presidential campaign.

Kerry is wrapping up a nationwide tour to promote "This Moment on Earth," a book on the environment that he co-wrote with wife Teresa Heinz Kerry. According to a report by 9News.com in Denver, Colo., he said he decided it wasn't the right time to run for the White House, but that could change.

"Could that change?" Kerry said. "It might. It may change over years. It may change over months. I can't tell you, but I've said very clearly I don't consider myself out of it forever."

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Kerry said he might consider running, but didn't seem likely.

"If suddenly the field changed or the dynamics of the nation shifted, who knows?" Kerry said. "You might look at it differently, but I don't see that. I don't foresee that. That's not where I am today and that's not what I'm doing."

Kerry announced in January that he would not run for president in the 2008 election.