
You are reading this blog entry because of the internet. It’s an amazing tool that most people seemingly can’t live without. Oh, but apparently SOME can, and DO live without it.

A new survey from Park Associates finds that 29% of Americans do not have internet access and do not plan on getting it anytime soon.

What the heck? No World Wide Web? It’s unthinkable to me. I spend many hours a day surfing the web for topics, show prep, news, and entertainment. I can vaguely even remember life before the Net!

Think about it for a moment. 31 million homes with no internet. No instant weather forcasts or sports scores. No breaking news headlines from home or abroad. No e-mail communications with friends and family. No immediate answers to everything from what pet frogs eat to when the next lunar eclipse is. Haven’t you ever needed a quick answer and gone straight to the web to get it?

What an amazing resource! Think how it simplifies your life on a daily basis! You can book hotel rooms and buy clothes. You can join chat rooms and talk about anything under the sun. You can help your kids research for school projects and pick up a new hobby.

Imagine it gone! OH NO! I would lose my mind if I couldn’t surf the net.

44% of the holdout households claim they are not interested in anything on the net. How can this be?? EVERYTHING is on the net. Just spend time on things that DO interest you!

No one can force these folks to get online. But it seems like many of them are the same people who would have held out when the telephone was introduced. If they had it their way we would still be delivering mail by Pony Express. So just do it and get online! Of course, these are the very same people who aren’t reading this commentary. So pass it along to them! Sigh.