
Faculty members at a New York high school are circulating a letter of support for three girls suspended for saying "vagina" during a reading from a well-known feminist play as school administrators postponed a visit from the play's author, the Journal News reported.

The students, Megan Reback, Elan Stahl and Hannah Levinson, were suspended from John Jay High School last week for including the word during their reading of Eve Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues" because, "it wasn't crude and it wasn't inappropriate and it was very real and very pure," Reback said.

Click here to read the Journal News story.

Teachers have circulated several letters since the suspension voicing support for the teens.

"The administration's decision reinforces the importance and need for the message of the 'Vagina Monologues,' one that celebrates women and sexuality and teaches empowerment," a letter sent to the Journal News said. "We urge school administrators to set an example, admit that an error was made, and correct it by issuing an apology to the students, faculty and community."

At least 34 faculty members had signed that letter as of Monday, the Journal News reported.

The school had planned to hold a discussion with the teens and Ensler on Tuesday, but it was postponed until March 28 because of scheduling issues.