
The Nevada Democratic party's recent decision to cancel a FOX News sponsored debate between presidential candidates was a move triggered by the left's "lunatic fringe," according to an editorial published Saturday by the Las Vegas Review Journal.

Click Here to Read the Full Editorial

The party had originally agreed to allow FOX News Channel to co-sponsor the debate between Democratic presidential candidates in Reno in August, but backed out of the deal Friday afternoon, citing comments made by FOX News president Roger Ailes as the reason for the decision.

The Journal's editorial, however, blames the "socialist, Web-addicted wing of the Democratic Party" for sabotaging the debate, saying they were "apopleptic" over the thought of having to watch FOX News Channel in order to see their candidates.

The editorial goes on to argue that if the Republican party decided to pick and choose coverage based on political leanings as the Democrats are doing, they would have rejected PBS, CBS, NBC, ABC, National Public Radio and The Associated Press decades ago.