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Just when you thought it was time to talk Iraq strategy, up comes Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump — turned Rosie and Barbara Walters — which, by the way, started as Donald versus Tara Conner!

Confused? Well, let me straighten you out:

Rosie, who ripped Donald, received a counter attack that must have rattled her to the core because she has gone off at her boss, Barbara Walters, for not defending her with passion and verve. The story in Tuesday's New York Post and was flat out a bombshell. There has to be a reason why Walters has not said Trump is lying when he said Barbara told him that she regretted hiring Rosie, despite the rise in ratings.

This is so ugly and so "in your face" we just can't get enough and it seems neither can YOU. What surprised me is that it was not reflected in interest for "The Apprentice," which came in third Sunday. OK, technically I do owe Steve a dollar because he did say ratings would rise with Rosie. But I am waiting because I do think they will eventually plummet because Rosie is so mean and unlikable — unlike the anchor she replaced and the others she shares the set with.

What great news we had today as word came from Somalia that we had engaged Al Qaeda terrorists we had been on the hunt for since 1998. Nice to know things really are going on below the radar to keep us safe and bring these killers to justice. I just hope these guys don't find a backdoor, like Usama bin Laden did through Pakistan.

Always great to see Kiran! And Gretchen, I am sure, is quite relieved not be needed at 6 a.m. and not to have her sedan stuck in the mud in her driveway like it was Monday. Really look forward to hearing about the president's new plan to be unveiled Wednesday evening and hearing how politics for the first time won't play a role. With the elections two years away and the Democrats in charge, maybe they'll be forced to get on the same page.

Don't forget to scramble and get Steve's best-selling book, "Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook." It's been ranked for the past 10 weeks and that's just incredible and a credit to you — our viewers — and Steve's wacky, wild personality.


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