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Under headline "never dull"… you know that 99 percent of the time our show is live. I much prefer doing live shows to taped shows, but on rare occasions we have to tape. We will tape a show for special occasions... and Tuesday night was one of them.

In celebration of FOX's 10 years on the air, the Washington, D.C., FOX bureau had a 10-year party last night at a restaurant in Georgetown. So that our staff — including our stage manager, audio, camera people, etc. — could enjoy the 10-year party, we taped a show late in the afternoon so they would have the evening off. We wanted them to celebrate with their colleagues. The deal in this business of news is always that we will return to work if there is breaking news that dates our show or which we must report.

For some reason I was pretty tired last night, so I did not go to the party. Instead I took the opportunity to go home, spend an evening with my husband and hope to get to bed early. I get so few evenings at home that when I can grab one, I do. It is a luxury for me.

Well, guess what? No sooner was I home that I got the call to return to FOX and do a live show. The reason? Japan claimed North Korea had carried out a second nuclear test. I quickly got back in the clothes I had worn earlier in the day, jumped in the car and headed back to the D.C. bureau. There was no time to ask questions… I had to move and move fast to get back across town. I walked back in the door about 8:45 p.m. My colleagues at the party were also summoned back to the bureau.

Japan's fear (the news) turned out to be false before 10 p.m. ET, but even the false fear of the Japanese became news and something we needed to report. It showed how frayed peoples' nerves are about North Korea. Even an earthquake can rattle people in the region (and for good reason!) So, we got back up on the horse and went live for the first part of our show (we did not have to go live for the entire show since not all of it was dated.)

Yes, never dull, but this is what we all signed up for.

Programming note: I was asked to do some updating to our special about the Amish schoolhouse shootings — we are going to re-air it Sunday at 9 p.m. if all goes as currently planned. Of course you know this business much can change, but that is the current plan.

On Monday night we took advantage of the fact that our show is based a few blocks from the White House in Washington, D.C. We took the show to the roof on an adjacent building to the White House, so that you could see the view we get to see so often. I never get bored with seeing the White House lit up at night — with the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial set off behind it (across the river beyond is Reagan Nation Airport and I also love to see the planes taking off and landing as the sun sets.) I assume that you want to see this view, too — whether you are a Democratic or a Republican.

Today, I have posted pictures taken of and from our set on the roof overlooking the White House. You can see that we (our set) are tented and that there are adjacent tents — the other tents are "home" to other networks. When there is a big White House news story all the networks use the tented sets and the entire roof is lit.

One picture posted today is of the Old Executive Office Building, which is next to the White House. I think it is the prettiest building in all of Washington. It houses the Vice President's Office and many other offices (it is huge). Years ago — late 60s, early 70s? — there was a debate over the possibility of tearing it down because it is not very efficient. I think it would have been terrible had it been torn down. It is absolutely gorgeous. I think the building is now safe from demolition talk and there would be civil unrest if anyone tried to have it torn down now.

Like most buildings in Washington, D.C., security is tight. Last night we had to have our pics taken at the entrance and put on identification badges to get cleared to climb the steps to our rooftop set. I posted a pic of my ID only because the pic is so bad — the pic makes me look dangerous (maybe even like a terrorist). I am not sure I would let anyone in the building who looks so bad! Yes, I think the picture is so bad as to be funny... so enjoy it.

I worried that last night I was too sarcastic on our show when I really take seriously some of the topics we discuss or report. I made a crack about North Korea... and wondered if sarcasm was appropriate when the topic — nuclear tests — is such an important one. If you saw the show, what did you think?

Now for some e-mails. Yesterday, I asked for some views on North Korea and have posted some of the e-mails I received:

E-mail No. 1

Dear Greta,
I think that it should be mandatory for college students to watch your show, they may think twice about leaving the bar with strange men or alone. When I was young my friends and I had a rule never to let any of our friends go into a car alone with a stranger,
I feel terrible for the poor parents and i am praying for the safe return of these missing students.
Keep up the good work.
Chicago, IL

E-mail No. 2

Please tell John Laskowski that his pronunciation comments are right on, but he needs to learn that "to" is not the same as "too."
Louis G. Vargo
Lake Forest, CA

E-mail No. 3

Dear Greta,
Regarding your question on what to do, U.N. sanctions never seem to produce long term results. I think we need to punt to China and Japan on this one with China in the lead.
The US military is stretched way too tight now unless the draft is brought back. None of us want to see that. It's time for North Korea's neighbors to step up. I'm glad we are not engaged in bilateral talks with North Korea. We cannot police the entire world!
The situation in North Korea reminds me of words of caution my elderly uncle said years ago. "Beware of the peasant's army as they have nothing to lose. Don't doubt their resolve. They are the toughest army to beat".
In retrospect, wasn't it our own "peasant's army" that defeated the well equipped Brit's on our soil to gain our independence as a nation? Remember the stories about the well dressed soldiers in their red jackets marching down the center of our streets only to be picked off one by one by our guys in the bushes with sling shots?
Unfortunately, we seem to be seeing that resolve in Iraq right now as well. We need to be the two by four propping other nations up, not take the lead on the North Korea problem.
Best regards,
Maria Maria Mozzicato

E-mail No. 4

Greta, I sure hope you do "FOX & Friends"! How much fun! Please let us know when/if you're gonna be on, so we'll be sure to watch it.
Hopefully it won't be on a Friday, because I have a meeting @ 7 a.m. every Friday morning. But with advance warning I will tape it.
Dallas, TX

E-mail No. 5

Hi Greta!
I sure hope you guest host on "FOX & Friends"! Even though I live on the West Coast, I set my alarm to watch them in the morning because I usually stay up until midnite to watch your rerun from 7 p.m., as I am working then! LOL! I know crazy hours huh? Anyway, just wanted to say I'm looking forward to it, and don't forget to say hello to your West Coast buddy!
Klamath Falls, OR
P.S. Regarding North Korea, I'm scared to death! And as far as putting the blame on the different administrations, I am with you! I am sick and tired of everyone beating that dead horse over the head!

E-mail No. 6

Greta — I would love to see you co host F&F and give Brian and Steve the "what for." My husband and I have been fans since the beginning and now that we live in CA, we have to get up at 3:00 a.m. to catch Fox First then F&F — love show and people and sure do miss E.D. — will look forward to next week
Fresno, CA

E-mail No. 7

I know you wouldn't get much sleep but I think it would be a hoot to host with Steve and Brian. I go to sleep at night with your show (not saying it puts me to sleep; I just can’t stay awake; but no fear I take it to work and watch it there in the a.m.) and it would be cool to wake up to you and the guys. My boyfriend says I'm a FOX nut. HAHA When he saw my "On the Record" mug he just laughed and asked how much was that? He's a tightwad.
Clarissa Lockett,
Houston, TX

E-mail No. 8

The United States is in a catch-22. If we have direct talks with North Korea, we are weak. If we sanction and rattle our sabers then we are perceived as the war-mongering imperialistic country many around the world want to believe.
The key is China. The United States should privately and publicly call on China. United Nations sanctions should be sponsored by China and agreed by the Security Council. I think only then will North Korea feel isolated.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Patrick Priest

E-mail No. 9

Greta, I believe the Chinese are the only ones who can slow this guy down. I do not think North Korea is too much of a worry for us. Iran is, and needs our full attention. I truly believe that all of our Presidents have done the very best they could, and should not be blamed for anything. We live in trying times, but I believe it will all work out.
Doris Royle
Purdum, NE

E-mail No. 10

Dear Greta,
For heaven's sake! If we're going to criticize the professionals for their diction, let's get it right! Obviously John (E-mail No. 6) is not aware of the appropriate pronunciation of the word, "almond." The "l" is enunciated prior to harvesting. During harvesting, a belt is wrapped around the tree and the tree is shaken to loosen the nuts from the branches. Thus, the "l" is shaken out of the almond. After harvesting, it is pronounced ammond (spelling remains almond).
Jennifer Watts

E-mail No. 11

I'm taking up for Dr. Baden. He is pronouncing almond correctly. Consult a dictionary before criticizing.
Carolyn Spiers
Orange, TX

E-mail No. 12

Regarding North Korea,
Stand next to South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Embargo North Korea. Allow John Bolton to do his job at the U.N.
Charles Hoffman

E-mail No. 13

I think the United States should get out of the mind set that it knows what is good for all the nations of the world. There are some people who don't want the life style we have or want to live as we do, but we don't ask them that question before we invade their country or try to impose our style of government, norms, customs and so forth on them. We just do it any how.
I think North Korea has the right to have to bomb as much as some of the other nations that all ready has then. What they try to do with them might be them after they get them might be the question that we might look at. What can we do to the country of North Korea that its leaders has not all ready done. The people are starving to death, we are sending food to keep them alive, if we cut off that food it will be the same as if we went in there and bombed them to death but just a slower death for all of them.
I think talking will help, but drop the name calling and the threats if you don't do as I say I going to take may ball bat and hit you over the head with it.
I think we dropped the ball on North Korea right after the police action we fought in that part of the world in the early '50s.
This country need to change it mind set on how it look at, deal with countries of this world who don't agree with our life style, and our way of doing things.
John Moore
Gulfport, MS

E-mail No. 14

Whatever we do had better be convincing enough to put some brakes on Iran's leadership. You can bet they are watching us very closely to see what our response to N Korea will be. I like the arms embargo idea, myself, as one component of a response.
Dallas, TX

E-mail No. 15

What to do about North Korea… hummmmmm. All this talk about diplomacy is just that... talk. Only problem is they are not talking back in good faith. So, No. 1, forget the U.N. We already have the U.K., Russia, China, Israel, Australia, Japan and patent pending, the French on our side of this one. Not to mention South Korea. Let's assume that North Korea wants to, Oh forget it. We know what they want. They have sold technology to the elements that want to destroy us before. I believe that North Korea wants to participate with Iran and Chavez to disrupt freedom in the World, while making the U.S. look anemic, much like the U.N. If I am correct, the answer to the question is force. Embargo, up close and personal, so as to insure that none of his technology escapes to those who would use it on us or Israel. At the same time place 100,000 troops along the Korean DMZ. This for the people of North Korea who, for the most part, have nothing to do with the military.
There are those who say that North Korea does not have delivery systems for the so-called nuke device. To those people I would ask: How long do we wait? Do you want your children and grandchildren to take care of it for you? Don't make the same lame mistake of thinking that somehow talking will get the job done. Some generation, sooner than later, will have to deal with this problem.
Iran is watching.
Bob Rhodes
P.S. See Greta, I didn't blame anyone...

E-mail No. 16 — This is what I wrote in yesterday's blog: "What are your thoughts on North Korea? What should we do or not do? (And by the way, in sending your ideas, skip writing me your blame on the Bush or Clinton administrations — we can worry about the blame later if anyone feels the need to blame. Right now, we need good ideas since this is a huge problem for the world and blame can be wasted energy."

And this is this e-mailer's answer:

Thank you Greta. No, let me say that again: THANK YOU GRETA. I sincerely feel like writing each and EVERYONE of our reps in Washington; put down the scissors and spit balls and go outside and play like grownups. I am very frustrated with politics in general. Ask someone an opinion and you get name calling... no alternatives, no constructive dialogue.
As for North Korea, we need to be encouraging but watchful and hold "accountable" both China and Russia. We are at least on the surface talking in similar disdain for the North Korean alleged(?) nuclear testing. Sanctions, yes. Blockades, yes… if it is out "far enough" is it still an act of war? Japan needs to have the capability to "arm" if they choose. Bolton must be named ambassador and for once maybe we need to all put politics aside and present ourselves to the world as the UNITED States.
Congrats on the big 10!
Cathleen Schmeisser
Mason City, IA

E-mail No. 17

Hi Greta,
I never cease to be amazed at how ALL other countries think that it is the United States of America who must solve all THEIR problems and then get the pleasure of blaming us for anything and everything!
It's time to teach Pyongyang a lesson. I just wonder why Japan and China choose to do nothing so far. Maybe, because it is a difficult situation?! If the USA takes action militarily, the action should include Iran as well. We cannot continue to sit back and be constantly threatened by this jerk from North Korea. Understand, however, the consequences are great and I am certain we all understand that.

Send your thoughts and comments to: ontherecord@foxnews.com

Watch "On the Record" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET