
Dear Friends of "FOX & Friends,"

TGIF, and what a week we've had here on The Daily Doocy, as hundreds of you have taken me up on my offer and are sending in your own secrets to a happy marriage! We've heard stories of love, devotion, deployment, and what happens when one spouse says you've got a big butt!

If you'd like to submit your story you'll see how at the end of this blog.

The goal of The Daily Doocy is to feature some of the hundreds of submissions from viewers who shared with me their personal secrets to a happy marriage. This is in conjunction with the upcoming publication of my book, "The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook," which is a funny owner's manual for families. The book arrives in bookstores October 17, but you can pre-order it wherever you buy books, or get an autographed copy at www.happyhandbook.com.

Let's dive right in and listen to the voices of six different families as they try to figure out what makes a happy marriage. I've included six today, because the weekend is here, and I thought you'd like an extra story about what happens when a newlywed wakes up and there's a man in her bed!

E-mail No. 1

I have got to say my secret to a happy marriage is to get rid of the mother-in-aw. No, not kill her, but make her move away! Ha-ha — just kidding!
However, my mother in law did move to Russia from Austin, Texas, and that was what saved our marriage and we have never been happier! My husband is also lucky I am a very forgiving person because I had to put up with him and his mother at the same time before she moved. That was not fun! :)
Can't wait to read your book!
Brooke Robertson

E-mail No. 2

Dear Steve;
There are a number of things that have kept us happy for twenty five years.
1) Mrs. Happy works daytime hours and Mr. Happy works the late shift (leaving less than 7 hours in the house together)
2) Our children are great conversationalists, that way the kids can talk to Mrs. Happy.
3) We have a rule: no bad news before bedtime (of course everyone is sleeping when Mr. Happy gets home. And in the morning Mrs. Happy is gone, so there is no bad news.)
4) Always be nice to everyone, friends, neighbors, relatives, that way if Mrs. Happy ever decides to talk bad about you, they probably won't believe it.
Dick Caspers
Woodbury, MN

E-mail No. 3

The secret to our happy marriage is, my waking up every morning, kissing my wife and saying, "Good morning, I love you and I am sorry." Just to get it out of the way! We have been married for 28 years.
Kerry and Diane Zeiss
Atwood, TN

E-mail No. 4

Deployment! We have been together for three years and more than half of that we have spent apart. Each time he comes home it's like a honeymoon all over again. We have learned to appreciate the time spent together so much more. You learn what things are worth arguing over.
Jenniene H.

E-mail No. 5

My name is Tracy Owens. I live in Fairbanks, Alaska. I have been married to my husband for over 18 years. He is currently deployed with the 172nd Stryker Brigade at Ft. .Wainwright, Alaska. He has been gone for over a year, but we still treats me like a princess with his early morning e-mails just to say "I love you" and "Have a good day."
No matter what, he always asks me what kind of day I have had even though I know he doesn't really understand. It's the little things you do for each other that say I love you. On Saturdays when he is home he cooks breakfast in bed for me and on Sundays I do it for him.
My husband is truly my best friend and I feel confident enough o tell him anything and he won't judge me. We work on solutions together and no matter if I am mad at him (it takes a lot to be mad at him) we always say "I love you" and kiss goodnight.
P.S. He always apologizes even if I am wrong to get the process of making up started
Tracy Owens
Fairbanks, Alaska

We have been married 49 years, the secret is never argue, but have loud discussions.

E-mail No. 6

We were married about 2 weeks and living with my folks, we had the bedroom right over theirs. I woke up in the night and forgot I was married and since I was a good girl, I wondered, what was this man doing in my bed?
I put my feet into his back and shoved him out of bed. He turned on the light and asked what he had done. Much to my chagrin I then remembered we were married.
To make matters worse my folks wanted to know what had happened, they heard him hit the floor. When I told them they laughed and were still laughing 30 years later, they love to tell it to friends and who ever will listen.
Now 48 years later I guess it is funny.
Sheila Delzer
Hancock, WI
P.S.: The secret to our marriage is that we embrace loss.

Thanks everybody for your stories. If you haven't sent one in yet, I bet you think you've got a good one as well, that might be featured here on The Daily Doocy or on the "FOX & Friends" program, if so, please go to "The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook" official Web site for more information: www.happyhandbook.com

Thanks for stopping by The Daily Doocy, have a great weekend, and we'll see you Monday on "FOX & Friends," and of course right here for another week of The Daily Doocy.

Steve Doocy
Mr. Happy