
Just days after its release, Bob Woodward's "State of Denial" has already gone into its third printing, with 900,000 copies in print for the latest, and harshest, chronicle of the Bush administration by the celebrated Washington Post reporter.

"Sales are very strong out of the gate!" Simon & Schuster publicist Victoria Meyer said Monday.

Woodward's book, which portrays President Bush as intransigent in his defense of the Iraq war and his advisers as bitterly divided, has topped the best seller lists of Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com for days and has helped sales of other books critical of the president, including Thomas Ricks' "Fiasco" and Frank Rich's "The Greatest Story Ever Sold."

"We think that political books will once again be the focal point for bookselling (this fall)," said Bob Wietrak, a vice president of merchandising for Barnes & Noble, Inc. "We envision 2007 through 2008 will be similar to 2003 and 2004. It is back to the future for us."

Woodward's other books on Bush, "Bush at War" and "Plan of Attack," also were best sellers, thanks to the author's fame as The Washington Post reporter who helped break the Watergate scandal, and his access to high administration officials, including the president.