
Thanks for the memories, and by the way — I hate you.

When Jean Sterling — a 35-year teaching veteran and yearbook advisor in Ohio — decided to retire, she wanted to go out in style … stick-it-to-the-man style, to be exact.

Apparently, Sterling was keeping score of her grievances with her bosses and students … and they didn't make the grade. So when it was time for her to take a bow, Sterling delivered her final check-minus in the form of a giant report card-style ad in the school's yearbook, WDTN-TV reports.

"She's told our principal, Mr. Allen at Wayne High School that she decided this was a chance for her to vent some of her frustrations," Superintendent Bill Kirby said.

"Our yearbook adviser's job is to watch and make sure the students don't make a mistake where they might put something in that's inappropriate. I never expected though that a teacher would be inappropriate."

But one can hardly expect Kirby to be pleased, as he was given an 'F' for his administration's ability to run a school district.

"Well, certainly, our administration would be a 'B' to an 'A.' High school is one of the most difficult jobs you have in administration. It's very challenging," Kirby said

There's always next semester.

Gimme an S! Gimme a U! Gimme a C! Gimme a K! Gimme an E! Gimme an R!

HOQUIAM, Wash. (AP) — Three cheers for a well-executed scam!

Three girls went door to door in Hoquiam, asking for donations to help pay for new outfits for the high school cheer squad.

But police said the two girls from Hoquiam High School and one from Hoquiam Middle School are not cheerleaders.

Lt. Jim Maloney said it was a scam. Police are looking for everyone who gave the girls money Sept. 16 when they came knocking.

Curses! Great Disguise of Deceit! Who Could That Possibly Be?!

GREENSBURG, Pa. (AP) — A man accused of theft arrived for an initial court appearance wearing a cardboard box on his head in an effort to conceal his identity.

Justin Michael Kalich, 26, wore the blue-and-white box at the suggestion of his lawyer, Jeff Leonard, while he waited outside the office of District Judge James Albert for an appointment Thursday morning, the Tribune-Review reported in its Friday editions.

He was accused in connection with a July theft of reel wire.

"I'm trying to think outside of the box, so to speak," Leonard said.

The attorney said the move was prompted by concerns that if the witness saw a photo lineup before the hearing, his identification of Kalich would be influenced before seeing the suspect in court.

"This was kind of a simple way to force the commonwealth to meet its burden without the defendant having to reveal his identity," Leonard said.

At the hearing, charges were dropped when Kalich reached an agreement to pay for the reel wire, valued at less than $600, according to Leonard and Southwest Greensburg police Lt. Chris Kent, Kalich's arresting officer.

Where Is Samuel L. Jackson When You Need Him?

INNSBRUCK, Austria (AP) — In this case, it would be safe to say they've had it with those @#$%^ hamsters on the @#$%^ plane!

It wasn't "Snakes on a Plane," but an Austrian Airlines jet made an unscheduled stop Friday after a passenger sneaked a hamster aboard and the rodent escaped.

The flight from Palma de Mallorca, Spain, to the southern Austrian city of Graz made a stop in Innsbruck so officials could search for the hamster and make sure it didn't gnaw through any wiring, the airline said.

It said the flight was diverted after a passenger notified the crew that he had brought a hamster aboard and had lost track of it. Passengers were ordered off the plane, and some were taken by bus to Graz. It was not immediately clear how many people were aboard.

By midafternoon, a search of the aircraft still had not turned up any sign of the hamster, authorities said.

Austrian Airlines said the jet would remain grounded until the hamster was found "because it can't take off that way for safety reasons."

That's One Way to Ensure a Clean Break

DANBURY, Conn. (AP) — A man has been accused of littering after police say he scattered over 200 nude photos of his ex-girlfriend about a college campus.

James Famiglietti, 24, was charged Thursday with breach of peace and littering, the News-Times reported in its Friday editions. Famiglietti and the young woman in the photos, a student at Western Connecticut State University, had in the past been in a relationship, police said.

"The victim is happy and glad it's over," Officer Rick Montefusco said Thursday.

On Sept. 12, police received a complaint that someone in a car was dropping photographs all over the university's campus.

When police went to the campus, they spent over an hour collecting 208 pictures of the same woman and placed them into evidence, Montefusco said.

The victim, who was notified of the incident, said the pictures were from a modeling portfolio she had.

Famiglietti, turned himself in to police. He was released on a promise to appear in court and the case was continued to Oct. 19.

Compiled by FOXNews.com's Taylor Timmins.

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