
This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," June 20, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Personal Story" segment tonight, what to do with Americans who help the enemy in the War on Terror. At the top of the broadcast I said dissent over how to wage the war is good. Actively helping the enemy, obviously, is not. I mentioned the ACLU and the BBC as two organizations that help the enemy.

Joining us now from Washington with her view on all this is national syndicated radio talk show czarina, Laura Ingraham.

It's a very interesting line, all right. Because I do believe that dissent makes this country stronger. We need to have voices. We need to have people with courage speak up and say this administration, whatever administration it is, is making a mistake here. It could do better there. This is the solution to this problem.

But on the other hand, I have seen over the last two or three years, people actually help — help the enemy. And I made the example of Reverends Taggart and Wallace on this program, signing that ridiculous torture ad when they know torture is not the policy of this country.

So where do you draw the line? And who is going over it?

LAURA INGRAHAM, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: The line is hard to draw. But I think one group in particular, International ANSWER, you tackled them before on your show, the big anti-war, Bush-hating, America-bashing group that organizes all of the anti-war rallies and also dabbles with other causes, as well.

And groups like International ANSWER have really morphed into permanent arms of organizations that just want to blame America for really everything that's going badly in the world. In other words...

O'REILLY: People don't know that.

INGRAHAM: Not terrorists.

O'REILLY: People don't know. Is that code?

INGRAHAM: International ANSWER is kind of the umbrella under which all of these other organizations gather. I know one organization you have heard of, which is Amnesty International, and Amnesty has done some great work.

Also, Amnesty International — on a day like today when we learn this horrific story about what looks like happened to those two U.S. soldiers in Iraq — I went to Amnesty International's Web site right before the show, Bill, their international Web site, their American version of it.

Not a single mention of the soldiers being tortured in Iraq. You know what was mentioned? Guantanamo Bay and U.S. rendition policy and World Cup soccer. That's what they're focusing on.

O'REILLY: Yes, there's no question that Amnesty International, the International Red Cross, which by the way has a little place on Guantanamo Bay and which, by the way, I submit is the reason that the three Al Qaeda suspects committed suicide, because International Red Cross told the Americans you've got to give them privacy and tape up the window and they did. And you take up the window, you can't see in. They can go hang themselves. But...

INGRAHAM: How do we get to the situation, Bill, though, where America is the biggest problem that the entire world faces?

O'REILLY: But that's been in play for a long time.

INGRAHAM: When we have Islamic threats beheading people?

O'REILLY: That's been in play for decades. That's the Howard Zinns, the academics. That's where they're coming from.

INGRAHAM: How about another Howard? How about another Howard? Howard Dean yesterday, Bill, mentioned the two soldiers being kidnapped and kidnapped is a world that the military doesn't like to use, but they were captured, and he referenced that. Not to condemn the insurgency in Iraq as a cruel, as barbaric. He didn't do that — he used it to slam the Bush administration and to make a pathetic and chief political point at the expense of what is happening in Iraq at the time.

O'REILLY: Do you think Howard Dean helps the enemy?

INGRAHAM: I think when the enemy sees the reaction in the United States, not of unifying to defeat them, but of picking apart every aspect of what we're trying to do there, when those soldiers get treated the way they did. I think they are absolutely emboldened. They're very savvy. They're on the Web sites. They watch CNN International and any other broadcast they can get their hands on. And you better believe it has to embolden the people who want to do us harm.

O'REILLY: What about John Murtha's dissent in the Iraq War? Does that help the enemy in your opinion?

INGRAHAM: Well, I think anytime they can use war veterans, you know, people who have served this country, to then say look, we're the problem in Iraq, that we're stoking the violence in Iraq, that the terrorists want us in Iraq because we're depleting our military sources, that helps them. I mean, that's a recruiting tool. This guy is recognized by many as a war hero, and yet, he's condemning the United States.

O'REILLY: What should he do if he — if genuinely feels, Murtha, he genuinely feels the war is not worth it and is a destructive...

INGRAHAM: Offer a credible solution.

O'REILLY: OK, a credible solution, he did.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Which is not deploying — Jack Murtha...

O'REILLY: He said move the troops to Okinawa. That's what he said.


O'REILLY: That's what he said.

INGRAHAM: Jack Murtha — Jack Murtha...

O'REILLY: We don't have to bash him.

INGRAHAM: ... ideas are being mocked and laughed at.

O'REILLY: We don't have to bash Murtha. He did it to himself. He said move the troops to Okinawa, and even Russert...

INGRAHAM: Yes, Murtha is getting a free ride in many news media.

O'REILLY: How about Jimmy Carter? How about Jimmy Carter? He signs the torture ad along with the reverends, and the torture ad, as I told the reverend, shows up in the Arab press. "See, we told you they were torturing." How about Jimmy Carter? Is he helping the enemy?

INGRAHAM: Yes. Nobel Prize — Nobel Prize-winner criticizing the United States', like, torture policy, which of course, as you pointed out, we do not have a torture policy in the United States...

O'REILLY: Yes, we don't have a torture policy.

INGRAHAM: ... except we're against — we're against torture. So yes, when he went down to Cuba and spent time with Castro, and said he did really — what did he say? He didn't see the problems in Cuba that a lot of right-wing people have characterized down there? I mean, this is nothing new for Jimmy Carter.

Again, the biggest obstacle to world peace for many of these people right now seems to be the United States. We're the problem. If you look in the mirror, the enemy, we see him. He's us.

And I think that hurts us.

O'REILLY: It's a very interesting discussion. Because the line on dissent and helping the enemy, it's a tough, tough line.

Tomorrow "The Factor" is going to monitor all of the coverage on the Internet and in the newspapers on these two soldiers who were brutalized in Iraq. Laura, as always, we appreciate you coming on the program.

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