
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

White House Interference?

A British newspaper has accused Prime Minister Tony Blair of significantly changing his language on Iran in a policy address in Washington last week under pressure from the White House.

The London Telegraph reports that Blair planned to say, "change should not be imposed " on Iran. What he said instead was — "I am not saying we should impose change" on Iran.

Though the two versions are virtually indistinguishable, a source insisted to the paper that the White House asked for the different wording so as to keep the military option "on the table."

A British official calls the story, "categorically untrue."

A Dynasty Continued

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says 2008 may be early for a presidential run by Florida's Republican Governor Jeb Bush, but that he could be a favorite in 2012 or 2016 if he decides to run.

In an interview with the St. Petersburg Times, Gingrich dismissed the possibility of backlash over Bush's famous last name, saying, "I just think his natural, personal ability is so great that people are going to realize he is not his father and he's not his brother.

Bad for Business?

Brothel owners in Australia have asked the government for an exemption to a new ban on smoking in the workplace because it's bad for business.

A spokesman for what is known as the Australian Adult Entertainment Industry, which represents most of the 87 legal brothels in Melbourne, says "people smoke when they drink, and people smoke when they..." patronize such establishments — warning that the smoking laws "are going to drive [prostitutes] back onto the streets courtesy of the health minister."

—FOX News Channel's Aaron Bruns contributed to this report.