
Now it's doormen in New York City. Before that, it was pilots at Delta. Before that, assembly line workers at General Motors.

All very different workers with very different salaries, but united on a very single issue: health care and how to pay for it.

Their bosses are saying they should pay more of it. The workers — understandably — have had enough of it.

It's one thing their pay's not keeping up. And talk that they will have to foot more of the health bill has them fed up.

I think this whole health coverage thing will prove to be the single biggest issue of our time. And the politician who grasps that and appreciates that and runs with that, I think, will be all that in the next presidential race. Because this is an issue that resonates.

Health care costs are going up three times the inflation rate, which has workers of all stripes irate.

Doormen in New York are ready to walk off their jobs. Workers at G.M. took a big payout in lieu of benefits to leave their jobs.

It's the one cost management says it cannot control. It's the one thing our country had better start to control. Because it matters more than lofty salaries and secure pensions.

They say, if you have your health, you have everything.

I say, only if you have a way to pay for it.

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