
Kevin Covais, the 16-year-old who became known as "Chicken Little" while competing to be the next "American Idol," received a hero's welcome home Thursday despite being voted off the talent contest.

"It feels amazing," said Covais, of Levittown, after being presented with a key to the county by Nassau County Executive Tom Suozzi, who also declared it Kevin Covais Day.

Covais, who was sent packing from "American Idol" last week, is expected to return to Island Trees High School on Friday.

He confessed to being initially depressed about losing on the popular Fox show but said he was happy to see so many people supporting him on his return.

"It's just great being back home," he said.

He said he has yet to get any offers for a recording contract but for the time being he is content to hang out at home.

"Who knows, maybe something big will happen," he said.