
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," February 2, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Massachusetts police are searching for clues in Neil Entwistle's BMW. After his wife and infant daughter were found shot to death in their bed, police picked up Neil's car from Logan International Airport.

Joining us live in New York is forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden...


VAN SUSTEREN: Hello, Dr. Baden. And in Spokane is former LAPD homicide detective Mark Fuhrman.

Dr. Baden, I imagine in looking at that car, one of the things they'd try to find is gunshot residue. I mean, if you shoot someone at home and get into a car and drive, are you going to leave it someplace in your car?

BADEN: If you have it on your hands and you don't wash your hands — the gunshot residues come off pretty quickly if you wash. But if there are gunshot residues on your hand or if there's blood on the hand from the victim, that can then be transferred to the steering wheel. But it's unlikely that that's happened. But it could happen.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I suppose it all could also be on the seatbelt, as you try to clasp the seatbelt, assuming you wore one, the steering wheel, maybe the outside of the car, but I imagine the elements of the weather, Dr. Baden, would have gotten that, unless it's covered?

BADEN: That's right. If it's outside the car and the car has been there for a while, that would tend to remove it. And if it were on the seatbelt, possible. If he grabbed it with a hand that had gunshot residues on it and used the seat buckle, that's a good place to look for gunshot residues.

VAN SUSTEREN: Mark, I mean, everyone has Neil Entwistle — not everyone, but a lot of people — are highly suspicious of him, and he's a suspect, at least in many eyes. But you need to look elsewhere. What else are you going to do to look elsewhere? Because maybe he didn't do it.

MARK FUHRMAN, FORMER LAPD HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: Well, in the vehicle, you've a lot of value with trace evidence and fibers from clothes. Now, if you ever get to interview Entwistle and find out, what was your wife wearing when you last saw her — of course, he's got amnesia, but you can certainly see what she was wearing when she was found dead. Are those fibers consistent with what's left on the seat, what's left on the carpet, what's left on the brake pedal and the gas pedal from the bottom of Entwistle's shoes.

I mean, these things certainly could be consistent with the homicide scene. And then, when you do get to interview him and he makes conflicting statements, what she was wearing, where he went, what shoes he wore, then you can start to build a case.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dr. Baden, how do you prove or disprove the amnesia? If he says he makes the phone call on Tuesday and says he doesn't remember going to London on either that Friday or Saturday morning, how do you prove it or disprove it?

BADEN: You can't because he could be in shock. He could claim he's in shock, if he's not in shock. But you can prove, Greta, if the mom and baby have been dead for — before he left or after he left, if — remember, it's only about 24 hours time — in 24 hours, the stiffening of the body, the settling of the blood and the temperature of the body tell you a great deal whether it's more or less than 24 hours. And supposing the bodies only show rigor mortis that's 12 hours old. Then that would tell you it happened after he left. So that'll important.

VAN SUSTEREN: Mark, there's probably a ton of things we don't know. For instance, it's possible that they even found a gun in the house. We don't even know that. And it could have someone's fingerprints on it. It could have his fingerprints or it could have somebody else's fingerprints on it.

FUHRMAN: Well, certainly, Greta. But we have to say that probably a small-caliber handgun — and I would suspect that they're probably talking about a .25 or a .22 — those type of handguns and those type — that type of ammunition — doesn't have to be a handgun — are probably the most — you know, the most available, the most unrecognized, the most discarded weapons in the country. So you know, to have him access the weapon and get rid of it — you know, a .22 pistol or rifle, there's millions of those that have never been registered, so...

VAN SUSTEREN: Dr. Baden...

BADEN: If I can mention — and this goes with the D.C. sniper. Remember that? If this came from the father-in-law's collection, and if he had ever used that gun for target practice, or if there's a bullet around in a tree or someplace and the police can retrieve it and it matches up to bullets removed from the bodies, that's a home run.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Dr. Baden...

FUHRMAN: That's a home run.

VAN SUSTEREN: ... Mark, thank you both.

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