
Yet another hostage tape makes its way to Al Jazeera (search) television. This one features British hostage Kenneth Bigley (search) pleading with British Prime Minister Tony Blair to meet the demands of his captors.

I'm not here to talk about Bigley. I hope he gets out safe. His two captured American colleagues weren't so lucky.

I am here to remind everyone that they too showed up on Al Jazeera TV: first as hostages, then hostages being brutally murdered. All on tape and sent out on tape and Al Jazeera had it first.

How does that happen? Who gives this stuff to Al Jazeera?

It seems relatively easy. I mean, is it a courier? Does it just show up: a deep throat in the desert? Someone must deliver it. All I know is Al Jazeera gets it.

Perusing its Web site, I can understand why.

Wednesday features a story on the killing of Iraqi civilians. Still another on why America likely faces a humiliating defeat in Iraq. There's a story about Israeli troops killing a handicapped Palestinian in the West Bank, but no mention of three Israelis killed just the day before. And a conspiracy item linking Israel to the September 11 attacks on this country.

It's Al Jazeera's stock and trade. But exactly who are these guys trading with?

A network that claims to be fair and balanced almost delighting in showing butchers who seem very un-fair and most definitely off-balance.

I can see the new ad campaign now: Al Jazeera: the network terrorists trust.

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