
Your Grrrs...

Charles in cyberspace: My girlfriend and I were about to go into a well-known jeans store, but decided to smoke a cigarette first. While we were doing that, minding our own business, a woman walked up, stood about 2 feet in front of my face and said, “that’s sooo attractive.” I was a little baffled at first and taken aback, then I realized she was commenting on our smoking. While I know it’s not a good habit and plan on quitting soon (again), I was thoroughly pissed off at the gall of someone who would do that. I was about to say, “Not nearly as attractive as someone who tries to blatantly push their misguided agenda on other people,” then I saw her 6’4” boyfriend out of the corner of my eye and decided to just say, “Hey thanks!” Just another example of someone who thinks they know what’s best for everyone else and is obnoxious enough to get in someone's face.

Mike on the road somewhere: This is to all of the nimrods that drive without their lights on in nasty weather. You must think that you are saving energy by not using that switch in your vehicle that makes it so much easier to spot you. You're most likely the same person who doesn't use your turn indicator/signal. How much effort does it take, people? If you're that lazy, take a bus or mass transit. You're not too lazy to use your cell while driving. Get a clue. You're not the only driver on the road even though you may think you are.

Amy D. on my Oblivion Resolution column: Not a funny line in the bunch, sorry.

Amie H. on my Oblivion Resolution column: You left out the people who will resolve to speak loudly on their cell phones at every given (public) opportunity. Especially if they are in a line and not excluding while driving in their cars.

Anneliese B. in cyberspace: One New Year’s resolution the justice system needs: toughen up the laws to keep pedophiles, child rapists, child killers in prison for the rest of their lives. These people need to rot in prison. Judges need to get tougher.

Lane in Wisconsin: To Nikki in Cyberspace: The GRRR "advice column" is a great idea, but I think the real wisdom of the GRRRs is dispensed through example. It shows us all how unaware we can be in our interactions with others (hence, the oblivion). I have personally grown from having read the GRRR for months. At first it was just entertaining to read amusing stories of obliviots and chuckling at how dimwitted people can be. But then in my day-to-day life I would stop and think, would something I do ever be considered a GRRR in some future column? How would I feel if I were that other person that I just encountered in that brief, seemingly harmless situation? I've since found that I'm modifying my actions to be more considerate to my fellow human beings, lest I become an obliviot myself. So even though "remedies" to obliviots aren't necessarily being dispensed, the GRRR column sure does offer a lot of advice nonetheless. Keep up the great work, Mike.

Amber from Virginia: My GRRR goes out to Pat Robertson. I am a Christian and I am severely embarrassed by the comments he makes. Please, the man’s getting old and he is twisting the Bible. Don’t know where he got the cojones to tell someone that storms are God’s vengeance, and to assassinate a political leader and now that God is punishing people by making them deathly ill. My only hope is that when he is at the pearly gates, God will bring to his attention that he is responsible for the millions of people who turned down Christianity because of his political agenda.

Judy M. writes: What is wrong with the staff at Neverland? Do they really live in a fantasy world? If my employer were continually late in paying me, I would be looking for another job. Perhaps they enjoy living in luxury (without heat) and think good times will return some day. They shouldn't hold their breath for that day.

Susan W. concurs: How about if the "staff" at Neverland just quits instead of going weeks without a paycheck? Or are they so very well-paid that they'd rather get four weeks in a lump sum rather than find another job? Frankly, if they all quit, they would be eligible for unemployment until they find another job!

Greg in Brunswick, Ga.: Last weekend we had a garage sale, and had the price of $10 (TEN WHOLE DOLLARS) on my kid's Gameboy and a bunch of games for it -- would probably total about $300 worth of stuff when we bought it. Some idiot tries stealing it! Blamed it on his wife, who "forgot to pay for it" -- I watched him pick the thing up, walk it straight out of my driveway to his car -- his wife was sitting in the driver's seat. Then another person pulls a computer game CD out of its case, tucks it into her bag and proceeds to display to my wife the empty CD case. She asks if she can just take the case for free, because it's empty and we don't need it anymore. She got really miffed when I asked her to put the CD back into the case and leave. Stealing kids' toys from a garage sale. So wrong on so many levels.

Kristi in the Florida Panhandle: We took our sons to a performance of "The Nutcracker" a week before Christmas. Dressed up, went out to a nice dinner before where actual tablecloths were present! My sons are 8 and 9 and behaved wonderfully, I might say. We arrived at the theater early, were in our seats well before the appointed time, and had already lectured our children on appropriate behavior at a theater performance. This was no children's matinee, either. This was an evening performance, full ticket price, I might add! Well -- I could tell immediately that the vast majority of the other patrons didn't feel the same respect for the performers or the audience that we did. There were people being seated up until the curtain rose, there was a woman pushing her stroller next to her seat with an already upset infant in tow interrupting the orchestra ... and there were snacks being sold and consumed!!!! What was this -- a movie?!?!?!?!? People actually clapped along with the orchestra numerous times during the show ... you could barely hear the music.

How low have we sunk when an evening performance of the ballet turns into a cheap matinee at the movie theater? Even my kids were shocked and complained after how they expected something far more special. Again -- my sons were perfectly behaved and are in 2nd and 3rd grade! Why can't the adults manage? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Lem U. on common sense from airport security: How much of an Oblivion do you have to be to stop a 4-year-old from boarding a plane for matching a suspected terrorist's name? Most employed adults in this country must demonstrate a modicum of competence to maintain their jobs. How is it that the government can’t find people to screen passengers who meet this criteria? A competent person would have looked at the child, realized it was simply a matching name and not the actual suspect and allowed the family to board in peace. The fact that phones calls needed to be made, faxes needed to be received means that not only was the initial contact person an Oblivion, but there were at least two more layers of Oblivions to go through before a 4-year-old was deemed safe to board. Now I know why your column is called “Grrr." Have a nice day.

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