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Former major league pitcher Jeff Reardon has been charged with a jewelry store robbery and is being held pending a bond hearing today in Florida.

The 50-year-old Reardon walked into Hamilton Jewelers at the Gardens Mall on Monday and handed an employee a note saying he had a gun and the store was being robbed, according to Palm Beach Gardens police.

Reardon fled the store with an undisclosed amount of cash. Police found him at a nearby restaurant, recovered the stolen money and charged him with armed robbery.

What would make the former sports success throw such a curveball now that his career's over? We'll have the latest on this surprising story.


Plus, another suspected criminal has been caught in Florida. Accused serial rapist Reynaldo E. Rapalo was chased down on foot on a southwest Miamia street late yesterday after a tipster called policed in a sighting near a video store according to a Miami-Dade police officer. Rapalo had escaped from jail after climbing down from the building where he was being held using bed sheets.

We'll bring you a LIVE report of the recapture of Rapalo when FNC's Orlando Salinas joins us from Miami.

Iraq Update

More than 10,000 people marched through the streets of Baghdad today in support of a national unity government of Sunnis and Shiites, while in the south of Iraq, municipal workers found the remains from what is believed to be a mass grave dating back to 1991 (during the time of Saddam Hussein's rule). Also, insurgent attacks killed six Iraqi policemen and two civilians in a fresh surge of violence.

We'll have more on the situation in Iraq and get reaction from the Pentagon to today's developments.

These stories and much more today on Studio B!

--The Associated Press contributed to this story.

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Join Shepard Smith every Monday through Friday at 3 p.m. ET for FOX News Channel's daytime show "Studio B."

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