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Friday there are more than two-dozen pictures posted. Some of the pictures are from our show one week ago in Aruba (search) that we have not posted before and the remainder are from Wednesday night's show in New York City.

On Wednesday night we had a roster of interesting guests — including a tiny, tiny, tiny horse (her picture is posted.) When we are in New York City, we use Bill O'Reilly's studio and we had to do some adjustments to Bill's studio to accommodate the animals that Jack Hanna (search) brought. The pics give you a basic idea of Bill's studio and what the staff needed to do so we could interview Jack and show you the animals.

You might think that doing the show in another city bureau is simply me moving from one chair to another. For me, it is pretty much just that — moving to another chair in another city. But it is always a big challenge for the staff. Studios are lighted for particular shows and particular anchors and where their guests sit.

The lighting of a show is a complicated task and so when there is a surprise show and anchor, much has to be done quickly to accommodate the traveling show. Of course the crew needs to be sure not to disturb the lighting, etc. for the show that is there every day and often studios house more than one show and anchor. Huge lights are positioned in a grid in the ceiling of the studios and different switches, of course, turn them on and off and adjust intensity. It is one thing to light for a traveling anchor... and another challenge to light for a traveling zoo like we had on Wednesday night.

I finally caught up with Bill Hemmer (search) — who has left CNN and joined FOX. Bill and I worked together at CNN and I am delighted to be working with him again. He is very excited about joining FOX... and I don't blame him. It is time for a change. He said he starts mid-August. Stay tuned...

Here are some random e-mails:

E-mail No. 1

Greta should resign as anchor of a prime time television program. She is clearly uncomfortable interviewing anyone except those with whom she has developed a personal relationship. Note the striking difference in her interview with Beth Holloway Twitty (search), with whom she has developed a personal relationship, and the interview with the park ranger who found the duct tape with the hair on it. She was comfortable with Beth Twitty, but was clearly uncomfortable with the park ranger. It was also obvious that the park ranger noticed this, too.
Greta may be an ace investigative reporter, but she has no business anchoring a show in which she must interview people she does not know personally. Her television stage presence is virtually non-existent.
I'll bet that I'm not the only viewer who feels this way about Greta.
Larry McFadden
Piggott, AR

E-mail No. 2

Hi Greta,
Is it possible that the prosecutor is not really on vacation? With all the secrecy they have there, maybe they want everyone to believe she is on vacation. Why, if this is a vacation, would she go to the Netherlands? Maybe she is really working on the case on the sly? Just a thought!
Please remind Beth that God is in control and He knows where Natalee is. It matters to Him. Things may not be as bad as they look. Have you ever looked at only a portion of a photo, very puzzled and wondered what the heck is this? Then when you see the whole thing you say "oh", it's so obvious! Well, we are only seeing a portion of this story because of the Aruban secrecy, maybe good news is coming. I hope so.

E-mail No. 3 — This refers to an e-mail on Thursday's blog:

In response to today’s E-mail No. 7, who in their right mind cares about whether or not you wore makeup on the air. Instead of wishing had worn your makeup, I wish everyone else would take theirs off! Then I wouldn’t have to waste my time standing in front of the mirror each morning putting on my "fake" face before I could start my day.
Clarkston, MI

E-mail No. 4

I think you should STAY in Aruba and stick with the story. I would aggravate the Aruba authorities until there is an answer. There is NO way I would ever go there. I hope their economy plummets! Keep up the good work. I admire you so much. Persistence will pay off. You look good with or without make-up and you can say Holloway any way you want.
Baton Rouge, LA

I have written you four or five times... it's time you print one of my e- mails!

E-mail No. 5

Keep Natalee's mother off your show. You ask her the same questions night after night after night. She is so annoying. Just report what's happening but leave that woman alone.
Thomas Herson

ANSWER: Beth is not annoying. I don't find her annoying at all. Perhaps I am annoying. Yes I may ask some of the same questions each night but that is because I would think by now someone would give Beth and her family some information. I check every day hoping that someone will provide information. The lack of information is not meant to bore you, but simply drive home the point of the personal torture this family has — and every family has who has a missing child and who is provided virtually no information. Maybe you will get annoyed enough to help... or to come up with a good idea how better to investigate or help these families. Unfortunately the Holloway family is not the only family going through this personal hell.

E-mail No. 6

This may be nothing, however, during your interview with British news tonight, you were showing clips from scenes of bombings in London. Towards the end of the report look carefully, there's one person walking, I believe across a street and appears about center stage of the camera. This person is in a brown winter coat, hood is up on the end and the hood is trimmed in fur. I find it highly strange. That person, I believe is the only one with a winter coat on. Who is he? Is he pertinent to the bombing of today or 7/7?
Doris Fierros
Louisville, KY

E-mail No. 7

I think your friendship with Beth Twitty has clouded your thinking. Let those people in Aruba take their vacations. The whole world does not function by the U.S. standard of workaholics. Countries in Europe shut down for a month while everyone is on holiday. We can not dictate how Aruba functions! Everyone who visits another country or sends their children there should know they will have to abide by their way of dealing with matters rather they like it or not.
Karen Levison

ANSWER: Karen, long before I met Beth Twitty, I believed people should be responsible in their jobs. This is not a new concept with me or anyone else. I practiced law for many years and know how most good lawyers work — both prosecutors and defense attorneys. The prosecutor in Aruba may be acting responsibly but it is hard to know with so little information coming out of Aruba.

I will say one thing: With a September 4 deadline coming up on the chief suspect, I would not leave unless I were confidant I had my case in order. Maybe she is confidant she has enough evidence to formally charge and go to trial. If so, now is a good time to go on vacation since she will need to be preparing for trial soon and should then take no time off. Maybe she thinks she has the wrong person in jail and has given up working aggressively (if she does think she has the wrong person in jail, she should not let him linger in jail until Sept. 4.) If she thinks she has the right person, but not enough evidence, she should be at work.

Send your thoughts and comments to: ontherecord@foxnews.com

Watch "On the Record" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET