
Today on "Special Report" ...

The Iraqi Governing Council (search) was dissolved Tuesday as a new president and prime minister took their positions in Iraq's government. We'll have a full report.

Wendell Goler reports: President Bush (search) lauds the new Iraqi interim government -- Who are these new leaders of democracy? We'll have details.

GUEST PREVIEW: The Iraqi Governing Council ignored American advice and took its own path to independence. Should the U.S. be worried? We'll ask Dr. Walid Phares, professor of Middle Eastern Studies and recognized expert on Islamic extremism.

Major Garrett reports: Justice Department releases disturbing documents about suspected Al Qaeda terrorist Jose Padilla's plans to wreak terror on the homeland. We'll tell you what you need to know.

Carl Cameron reports: Does John Kerry's plan for keeping nuclear weapons out of terrorist hands sound familiar? Find out.

Brian Wilson reports: Vice President Dick Cheney (search) stumps in Kansas City. We'll have a full report.

Details on those stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume at 6 p.m. ET.

— Guests and topics are subject to change