
Sad day on FOX and Friends as one of the most surprising big stories of the year comes to a close with Terri's death this week.

We got both sides during our show on this issue. One of the most extreme believers was the first protester who stood up against the removal of the feeding tube. He dressed like Jesus and tried to serve Terri communion. On the other side, we had young communists supporting Michael. Yes these two devout communists created the greatest buzz and outrage amongst our viewers. When they said their party would eventually come to power over their support of Michael, this was quickly overshadowed. By the way they also managed to sit in the green room after their segment and devour virtually all of the fruit salad and pastries. I guess in their society all food would be shared and FREE!! However, that did not bode well for Tony Danza who was our next guest and quite possibly hungry. I guess he dropped by the corner coffee cart enroute to his own 9 a.m. national show.

On Friday Tiki [Barber] fills in for me and he is virtually now a member of the FOX and Friends family. He's a guy who wants to be more than the best Giants running back ever, but also more than a sportscaster. He cares about major issues and also knows the term team. He knows when to pass, and with two other hosts you need that verbal skill. We'll see him again in July … maybe sooner.

Time now to salute Melissa Smith, one of the real rocks on our staff. She has been working her way up the ladder for the past five plus years and leaves as one of the most valuable players. Our loss is FOX News Radio's gain, and on behalf of Steve and E.D., let me just say a big thanks and we'll miss YOU!! See ya at the Christmas Party!!

This week expect to see more on steroids in baseball as the game gets back for a brand new season. Keep weighing in on my poll at BrianKilmeade.com on the question, "If Barry Bonds (search) breaks Hank Aaron's (search) all-time home run record, is he the homerun king to you?" And if you'd like to order a signed copy of "The Games Do Count," you can place the order there!!


Start your day with "FOX & Friends First" weekdays at 6 a.m. ET and send your comments to: insider@foxnews.com