
Tonight... "The O'Reilly Factor" is on!

The Bush administration was "well aware" of the threat posed by terrorists around the world when he took office in January 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell (search) testified today before the 9/11Commission in Washington. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (search) appeared before the commission earlier in the day and testified that the Clinton administration actively tried to thwart terrorist actions.

Will the commission help us understand the terror threat that America faced before the 9/11 terror attacks? Will it answer the unanswered questions that many citizens still have about the attacks? Has the process become politicized during an election year? Or has the commission managed to stay above the fray? We'll have analysis for you.

Then, there's an update in the controversial case of a Utah woman who was pregnant with twins and refused a C-section, resulting in the death of one of her children. We'll have the latest for you on a new coalition that has been formed to support her.

Also, a new "political action committee" has been formed. What's the "Godless Americans" group all about? We'll ask one of the group's members, David Silverman.

Plus, will our country look very different in fifty years? You'll be surprised by some new predictions about the face of America in 2050. We'll have the facts for you.

And later, in the "Back of the Book" segment, from job discrimination to sexual harassment... Is there a new feminist attitude afoot? O'Reilly invites Linda Miller to join him in the No Spin Zone to discuss a new philosophy that says women need to stand up to sexual harassment and take it like a man!

Finally, don't miss a brand new edition of our world famous "Talking Points Memo" and "The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day."

See you in the No Spin Zone, tonight at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!

--All topics and guests subject to change.

--The Associated Press contributed to this story.