
I knew immediately when I said something good about the rich, someone — a lot of someones, actually — would say, "Isn't that rich?"

It is called class warfare. But I call it "divide and conquer." And let me tell you something, politicians love it. In fact, they thrive on it.

They like us fighting amongst ourselves, so we keep the focus off of them.

The rich aren't the problem with boondoggle spending programs. The politicians are.

The needy aren't the ones breaking Social Security (search). The politicians who say it isn't broken in the first place ... well they are.

Look, we can attack each other all we want. All I can tell you, is I've known rich jerks and I've known poor jerks.

"Jerkery," as I've said many times, knows no pedigree. But we're all being jerks, my friends, if we succumb to this predictable game of pointing fingers at classes rather than at crises.

The problem isn't with the rich who largely foot the bill for government. But government itself.

It gets bigger and costlier by the minute. And here I blame just as much a Republican controlled Congress and a Republican president for doing little to stop it.

This latest budget's tough. I just wonder whether the people who have to pass it are as tough. They're the ones who have to be accountable: The folks who make those programs, not the folks who pay for them.

And it doesn't take a rich person to tell you that it is a poor excuse of a politician who shifts the attention.

Rich and poor alike, we should be united in telling that shifting pol, "Don't look now, but the shift has hit the fan."

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