
What's next for the incoming members of Iraq's 275-member National Assembly:


ASSEMBLY COMPOSITION: Seats in the assembly will be awarded to candidate slates according to their percentage of the national vote. For example, if a list won 40 percent of the votes, it would get roughly 40 percent of the seats in the assembly.


NATIONAL ASSEMBLY: The assembly will serve as a lawmaking body, and it also will help select and approve the president and prime minister. But its most important task is to create a committee to draft a permanent constitution.


CONSTITUTION REFERENDUM AND THE NEXT ELECTIONS: Iraqis will vote on the proposed constitution by Oct. 15. If they approve, elections for a permanent government to replace the assembly will be held in December. If voters reject the charter, the National Assembly will be dissolved and a new transitional assembly will be elected in December to take another stab at constitution-writing.


NEW GOVERNMENT: The newly elected National Assembly will elect a largely ceremonial president and two deputy presidents. The president and two deputies will name a prime minister and Cabinet, subject to the assembly's approval.


HOW LONG: The new government will remain in office for 11 months, until elections in mid-December.