
Tonight... get on the record with Greta!

President Bush says he will order an independent investigation into intelligence failures in Iraq but will first consult with former chief weapons inspector David Kay (search).

Mr. Bush defended his decision to go to war today based on intelligence that Mr. Kay now says was erroneous. Mr. Kay has concluded that Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction.

The president also said the commission would "analyze where we stand, what we can do better as we fight this war against terror." He said he would sit down with Kay soon to get a briefing.

We'll have the latest on this developing story.

Plus, the Peterson case is back in court today... As accused murderer Scott Peterson (search) gets ready to stand trial, what's the prosecution's next move? We'll have analysis.

And later, more drama in the Kobe Bryant case. We'll tell you what happened both inside and outside the Eagle, Colorado courtroom today.

All these stories and much, much more!

Don't miss "On the Record" tonight at 10 p.m. ET!

--All topics and guests subject to change.

--The Associated Press contributed to this story.