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I promise not to make this blog all about travel but it is hard to ignore that part of our job. The travel updates are to some extent the "behind the scenes." Here are some samples:

Monday before we took off from Baltimore to Los Angeles, my make up artist and I could not find anyone to switch seats with one of us so that we could sit together. Then, "fortunately," she spilled water all over the passenger next to her and his seat and he was more than willing to switch. I took the seat and sat on two folded blankets and my raincoat all the way from Baltimore to L.A.

Before we even left Baltimore, I got one of my favorite insults from someone who probably did not mean to insult me. In a store on the BWI Airport tier near our gate, a clerk said to me, "I don't mean to offend you... but you look like that newscaster on FOX." I replied, "Lots of people say that."

Upon arrival at our hotel in Santa Maria (search) at 3:44 a.m. (yes, 3:44 a.m.), I was told by the man at the desk that he did not have a reservation for me. Frankly, I was too tired to care... the lobby couch looked pretty good to me. I guess I stood there looking pathetic long enough that he did eventually find me a room. While I was standing there, another hotel resident came up to the reservations desk looking for an envelope. He said that he needed to leave $80 in cash for a "Good Morning America" employee whose car did not show up to pick her up — so she needed to take a cab (I assumed from the airport) and had no cash. Had I seen this person at the airport, I would have let her hitch a ride with us.

I hope you saw Monday night the first part of our interview with former President Bill Clinton (search). He is putting together a huge forum in September in New York City to discuss world issues. The group he has assembled is diverse, including the governor of California, the prime minister of Britain, the king of Jordan, etc. We hope to show more of the interview Tuesday night.

I have posted several pictures from the interview in Little Rock with the former president. Click on the links in the photo box above to check them out.

Here's an e-mail update from Laura Ingle at the Michael Jackson (search) trial:

It's 2:30 p.m. — no verdict. I am now standing at the backside of the courthouse where jurors are about to be escorted off of the court campus in two unmarked white sheriff's vans. There are a few dozen people standing out here. What was bizarre, was that fans were hanging out right near the door, all dressed in white, one with a T-shirt that reads "Michael is innocent." Wouldn't that be a BAD idea for jurors to see that sight as they come out? It appears that deputies realized this and just moved everyone back... including reporters. We are all standing in the wind waiting to see what the jurors look like as they leave.

Here they come! They see us looking at them. Some are putting on their sunglasses, others are just walking with their coats and purses. Their expressions look normal, no visible signs of fatigue or frowns, or smiles. They are being escorted out now by motorcycle cops.

Fans are packing up their signs and going home. Day 3 of deliberations starts at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday.

Here's an update from FOX News' Adam Housley (search) at the Jackson trial:

M.J. fans, many of whom who came from parts of Europe, are becoming more aggressive and belligerent. They are more confrontational with the media as the pressure of the jury's decision continues to build. These accented fans also have turned their rental cars into mobile shrines to Jackson's "innocence." Paint, mostly red or yellow, is signed right onto the hood; poster board signs are stacked in the back or taped to the windows; on the antenna, a piece of white cloth is tied in solidarity.

Like the media, these fans chase every lead or alleged sighting, making for quite a caravan.

Send your thoughts and comments to: ontherecord@foxnews.com

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