
Conservative Christians scare the hell out of Gary Wills (search).

The columnist and historian wrote a piece for the New York Times after the election comparing conservative Christians to Al Qaeda terrorists. “Where else do we find fundamentalist zeal, a rage at secularity, religious intolerance, fear of and hatred for modernity?” Mr. Wills fears that conservative Christians are on a “jihad” — his word — to lock everything other than Christian beliefs out of the town square.

So why is it that this year we’re hearing one story after another about how town squares are being forced to remove all symbols of Christmas and Christianity?

The most recent example comes from Toledo, Ohio, where Rossford High School (search) officials pulled the plug on a Christian rock band that was due to play during an anti-drug assembly. Students would have had the option of whether or not to attend the band's performance. Students who chose not to attend the performance would either go to a study hall or view an anti-drug movie in the school auditorium.

Rossford Superintendent Luci Gernot (search) explained why she's canceling the concert: "We are just shutting the whole thing down. There is some controversy, and I'd rather err on this side." Ms. Gernot made her decision after consulting with the school’s lawyers, who know all about the ACLU’s campaign against Christian symbols around the country.

There may be a jihad going on in this country, as Gary Wills claims. But it appears to be a jihad against Christian symbols not for them.

And that’s the Asman Observer.

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