
The latest from the Political Grapevine:

Dumping the Duo

Just days before he meets with British Prime Minister Tony Blair (search) in London, French President Jacques Chirac (search) is dumping on Britain’s relationship with the U.S. saying, "Britain gave its support in Iraq, but I did not see anything in return. I’m not sure it is in the nature of our American friends at the moment to return favors systematically."

Chirac then accuses the U.S. of trying to divide Europe. And says, "Imagining that there can be division between the British and the French vision of Europe is as absurd as imagining that we are building Europe against the United States."

Sensitive to PESTS

Shrinks in south Florida are up in arms that their treatment for trauma offer President Bush’s re-election are being laughed at by some Republicans. Psychologist Douglas Schooler, who has treated 20 Kerry supporters with what the American Health Association dubbed "post-election selection trauma" (search) or PEST, says, "The Republicans want Kerry voters to shut up and pretend they’re not feeling anything. But many people have serious emotional pain over this election. And it’s unhealthy to stuff it down inside of you."

Psychologist Sheila Cooperman with the American Health Association (search) says Republicans are, "not only minimizing PESTS, but bastardizing the entire psychological field." And the head of the association, Rob Gordon says, "There could be thousands of others, even Republicans, who need to be in therapy over this election."

Time for Terry to Go?

Former Independent presidential candidate, Ralph Nader (search) is demanding DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe resign immediately for promoting, "political bigotry." The selection in a friend — in a letter to McAuliffe, Nader accuses Democrats of, "harassing and intimidating his supporters" and to filing, "phony lawsuits," to keep him off state ballots. Nader tells McAuliffe, "The anti-Democratic activities you condoned, funded and participated in against my campaign were constitutional crimes that make you unworthy of serving in any capacity in U.S. politics."

Hopes for Hillary

And finally, New York Senator Hillary Clinton (search) has jumped ahead in the race to be the next presidential Democratic candidate four years from now. A new Gallup poll shows Clinton is the top pick among Democrats for 2008, with Kerry a distant second. As for Republicans, John McCain and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani top that list.

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report