
As I write this, the pundits are still digesting the dramatic election result and what it all means.

But it's safe to say a few things: Americans voted much more conservatively than the Democratic Party and the mainstream media predicted. The media, using their exit polling system, got it wrong again and need to revamp again.  By 2008 we should collectively figure out a better system than these exit polls that gave us so many kooky figures last night.

Not that there aren't lessons the Bush-Cheney (search) team should learn from this election, but let's face it: They won. So for the moment we're focusing on what happened with the team who lost.

A rather candid Democratic strategist told me today that his party is out of step with most Americans, and that part of the problem is the party is beholden to special interests (teachers unions, lawyers, etc.). This strategist said Terry McAuliffe (search), the head of the Democratic National Committee is toast (his word) and will get his walking papers. He also said, though, that there's no one person in the party who can step in and put the Dems on the right track. This guy even went so far as to predict some sort of "civil war" within the Democratic Party (search).

That last part could have been the caffeine talking, or it could actually be foreshadowing of things to come.

Tomorrow we'll be discussing this on “DaySide,” as well as the rumblings about who might fill Cabinet slots in the new administration. All brilliant insights are warmly welcomed at: dayside@foxnews.com.

See you back in our usual studio!


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