
A coalition of small leftist political groups has sued President Bush (search) and other U.S. government officials for the abuses against prisoners at the Abu Ghraib (search) prison in Iraq.

The lawsuit was filed by the Communist Party, the Humanist Party and Leftist Revolutionary Movement at the Santiago Court of Appeals, which did not immediately decide whether it will hear the case.

The action was widely considered symbolic. Supporters described it as an "act of dignity" that "represents millions of Chileans who reject the violence and terrorism represented by the figure of Bush."

Also mentioned in the law suit were Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Colin Powell (search), Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former Iraq Administrator Paul Bremer.

"We want Bush to be questioned when he comes here," in November for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation council summit, said lawyer Juan Enrique Prieto.

The Abu Ghraib scandal sparked outrage worldwide in April with the publication of photos and video that showed U.S. soldiers abusing naked Iraqis in the prison on the western outskirts of Baghdad.