
Sinclair Broadcast on Kerry Friday Night

After much controversy, the Sinclair Broadcasting Group (search) (owner of 62 TV stations around the country) will go ahead with plans to broadcast a one-hour special tomorrow night on John Kerry.
The special will include parts of a documentary, "Stolen Honor," (search) which is critical of Kerry's activities during Vietnam.
Numerous Democratic lawmakers have asked the FCC (search) to halt the broadcast, calling it an unpaid campaign ad for President Bush. The FCC declined to intervene.
Sinclair invited John Kerry to be part of the broadcast, so he could respond to criticisms of him. Kerry declined.
As of this writing, we don't really know what the theme or full content of the Sinclair special will be — only that the title of it is "A POW Story: Politics, Pressure and the Media," and that it will include allegations raised by former POWs about Senator Kerry's antiwar activities.
Tomorrow on “DaySide” I'm inviting both sides of this story to speak — but I'd like your input also. Email me with your comments: dayside@foxnews.com.



PS — The Pentagon website for Americans overseas to vote by absentee ballot is: www.fvap.gov/services/fwab.html. Both military personnel and civilians can use it.

Watch "DaySide with Linda Vester" weekdays at 1 p.m. ET