
Trump gets Friar-ed, Star for sale and lead-foot Clapton in today's Foxlight.

Donald Trump (search) can dish it out, but can he take it? Lots of hairballs were coughed his way at the recent Friar's Club roast — one NBC exec claimed before "The Apprentice," Trump pitched something called "Extreme Hair Comb-Over." Another said Trump's book only goes to Chapter 11.

Star Jones (search) continues to get pressure from ABC about turning "The View" into a QVC show with constant plugs for her wedding and its "sponsors." ABC says a special edition of the girly chat-fest devoted to her November nuptials is on hold. The latest word to guests? No kids and no photographs. The New York Post says that's because the cash-cow couple has promised one publication exclusive shots. All of this sounds like her Payless shoes slogan — she could pay more for her wedding, but why?

Finally, if you're Eric Clapton (search), you're taking cabs in France from now on. He was caught doing 134 miles an hour there, and they took his license. He can get it back, but only to drive in other countries.