
Jay Kay (search), the lead singer of pop band Jamiroquai (search), had his driving privileges revoked for six months for speeding.

Sheriff Robert McCreadie of Perth Sheriff Court in Scotland also ordered the star to pay a $1,350 fine on Monday and told him his conduct was "entirely unacceptable."

The musician, whose full name is Jason Kay, had pleaded guilty. He previously explained in a letter to the court why he overtook a string of cars on a road near Perth on Feb. 26, exceeding the 70 mph speed limit. Police officers recorded that his four-wheel drive vehicle was traveling at 105 mph.

"I'd set out early in the morning but had become stuck behind slow moving traffic on the single-carriageway road," the 34-year-old said in the letter.

"I appreciate the maximum penalty for this offense could lead to the loss of my license and this is a matter of grave concern to me," Kay wrote.