
If you watched Neil Cavuto's show Monday, you saw a Republican and Democrat sitting with Neil talking about why they both wanted to see G.W. Bush reelected.

The Democrat was former New York Mayor Ed Koch (search). He is the New York Democrat that you didn't see marching in that anti-Bush protest in New York on Sunday.

In fact, the one part of the Democrat Party you haven't heard much from in the primary and in this campaign is the New York Democrat office holder. That person has a problem: His Party is anti-war, but his state — and for certain his city — is pro-war.

Now obviously, there are loud parts of New York — the New York Times for instance — which are very anti-war. But you have to take a scalpel to the statements of Hillary Clinton to figure out what they mean. I've concluded if she was president she would have bombed more than her husband and invaded more than Bush.

A handful of other Democrats in the Congress from New York that I know of are very, very tough on the War on Terror and the need to strike back at the people who stuck us.

After all, it was their constituents who died. A congressperson from California can get on his high horse about “Bush lied” and took us to war to vindicate daddy. But the New York Democrat probably doesn't make those noises. There are too many families here who lost someone and want someone bombed.

Koch quoted Lee Hamilton of the 9/11 Commission on Neil's show. Hamilton said they want to kill us, meaning the Islamists. Koch said, if there is going to be killing, let it be over there rather than here.

In New York, scratch an anti-Bush Democrat and you'll find that exact sentiment just under the surface. And if they don't think the Democrat will take action, secretly I bet they vote for the guy their party has been demonizing.

When it comes to terror, like real estate, the key is location, location, location.

That's My Word.

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