
Dear Viewers,

I am in New York today - and was last night for our show. The purpose of being here is to get ready for the Republican Convention.

As a result of being in N.Y.C. and not sitting in my office in DC, I am writing the blog on a blackberry. I also have no means to get you video streamed answers to your e-mails or means to post pictures (although I did take a picture of Sean Hannity eating day old stale cookies in the green room before his show at 9pm eastern. He appeared so hungry that the fact that the cookies had been sitting there since probably Fox and Friends at 7am did not seem to deter his enthusiasm for them.)

I also ran into Sean earlier in the day - we both had to get fitted for new earpieces for the Republican Convention. We apparently are getting special earpieces - not sure why, but I guess I will figure it out when I get the completed product. There is supposed to be something different about the new ones.

Incidentally, to get fitted for an earpiece - called an IFB - they stick a wad of gooey stuff in your ear, wait for it to harden (five minutes), and then pull it out. A mold is thus made. From time to time you need to get a new ear piece - they get pretty ugly after a bit -and you just call the place where your mold is kept on file to have new one made and sent. It is that simple.

As for last night's show, I remain curious why there is a delay in the cross examination of Amber Frey. I am so curious - and anxious to get you the right information - that I may fly out to California again on Sunday to be in the courtroom Monday morning for the start of the cross-examination.

If I do that, I will need to be on the red eye back on Thursday directly to NYC since we are doing a special show Friday night from Madison Square Garden. And yes, I think my summer “Fridays off” are over after this week ... hence the special show a week from Friday at Madison Square Garden (search).


Do you have something you'd like to say to Greta? Please write to her at ontherecord@foxnews.com!

Watch On the Record with Greta Van Susteren weeknights at 10 p.m. ET