
Watch "DaySide with Linda Vester" weekdays at 1 p.m. ET
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Smoking Gun? “DaySide” has new information that may point to direct contact between Saddam Hussein and Usama bin Laden (search). We’ll examine the evidence with Jonathan Schanzer, fellow at the Washington Institute specializing in radical Islam.

Plus, with only five days left until the handover of power in Iraq, coalition forces launch a third attack on a suspected terrorist safe house in Fallujah.

CIA Stance: A new book on the CIA launches a scathing critique of the agency. Why does the anonymous author — a senior active officer in the agency — thinks we should get bloodier in fighting Islamic extremists. We’ll be joined by Spencer Ackerman, an assistant editor to The New Republic, who has spoken at length with the author.

All Access? The prosecution and defense in the Michael Jackson case are back in court. But why are they fighting on the same side? We’ll explain.

Implant Warning: A teenage girl begs her parents for breast implants. But when she got them, she regrets it big time. She tells her horror story to “DaySide.”

Saudis Say: The Saudis claim that they're on our side in the War on Terror. But are they just selling us a bill of goods? We’ll ask Yigal Carmon, president of the Middle East Research Institute.

Say What? Politics aren’t for the faint of heart, just ask Dick Cheney! The vice president had words with a Democratic senator on the Senate floor and boy did the language get colorful! We’ll give you the un-censored story.

Those stories and the latest editions of Only on Fox and Stupid Criminals on today's edition of "DaySide with Linda Vester."

About the Show:

DaySide with Linda Vester, FOX News Channel's brand new daytime talk show, takes you beyond the headlines for a closer look at the stories that newsmakers and your neighbors are talking about.

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Plus, we want your feedback: Send your comments to dayside@foxnews.com.

DaySide with Linda Vester airs weekdays at 1 p.m. ET. You won't want to miss it!