
From the creative to the controversial, the funny to the fundamental, political advertising dominates the airwaves each election season, alerting voters to the candidates and issues in the debate and the decisions they will be asked to make.

The prevalence and relevance of political advertisements during an election season are so strong that the Supreme Court recently ruled constitutional new campaign finance laws meant to limit the amount of advertising allowed by special interest groups before an election.

But even with new limits, advertising has not stopped, or even slowed. Candidates still provide an onslaught of ads before an election, each aimed to point out their strengths and their rivals' weaknesses. Outside groups also purchase ad time in markets, hoping to convince voters to support their allies.

"Spot Check" is a regular feature that aims to let all audiences see the ads airing around the nation and learn about the strengths and substance, truth and tall tales in each of them.

Campaign analyst Ron Faucheux will deconstruct the ads, and lay it all on the line — letting the viewers know when they are being led astray or just plain lied to.

So be sure to check back for frequent updates!

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